Of Gods and the Aftermath
It is rare that I find myself of the belief that the Gods will step in and shape your path. But in this case, I believe it is possible to make an exception.
When They Bought Us Out
From Shane Burley: "white supremacy exists not external to the class, but as a perversion of its own interests."
"What If It's Already Too Late?": Being an Activist in the Anthropocene
We're f**ked. Now what?
Into The Woods, Into The Dark.
We struggle to understand that which our eyes cannot see, and so our minds revert to the years of conditioning we all have had….
Place of Discourse and Folklore of the African Diaspora
On being white and talking about racism. How to witness and learn from Afro-Brazilian stories of resistance, through lenses free from the objectifying effects of the white gaze.
Why Do You Care About Alex Jones?
Sophia Burns questions the impact of social media on radical organizing.
Drought Summit
After a drought summit is called on Lammas/Lughnasadh/Gwyl Awst Lorna Smithers journeys to seek meaning from the Welsh story of Lleu Llaw Gyffes
Dreams in Fire
What is needed now is reconsecration, for there are no longer any paths for us to follow. Let us proudly declare to the mountains and the rivers: we renounce the cult of humanity, we renounce the world of techno-industrial society, and we bind ourselves in reverence and service to the living gods of earth and sky.
Sometimes Coordinated, Always Authentic: Terrorism prevention efforts apply to G&R
Facebook's efforts to detect and eradicate “coordinated inauthentic behavior" by Russian meddlers is a pretext to suppress political activism and counter-hegemonic initiatives.
Against All Oppression
Gods & Radicals supports the right for All to live peacefully, without harm from those in power. There are no ifs and buts nor exceptions to the rule.
Junkyard Nemeton
“This forest, or another forest - forests without end. As faith retreats and reason sleeps those times shall come again.”
How to Be a Trans Writer in the Era of Never-Ending Gender Wars
“To write is to claim the audacity to speak and the courage to yield, to dare for a moment to care for ourselves in speech, in writing, and in solitude.”
On Plastic Straws and the Coming Collapse
When you look at what is needed to slow down or stop Climate Change and the destruction of the environment that sustains human life, you get confronted with an awful reality. That reality? There is literally no significant change that will not also deeply harm vulnerable people or infringe upon some modern freedom we now conceive as vital, inherent, and inalienable.
The Common Ground Between Anarchists and Maoists
“Brazilian Anarchists and Maoists are both being criminalized for dissent that could undermine the government’s ability to function.”
Folk Magic and Freedom
Folk magic belongs to the poor and dispossessed wherever that may be. It doesn't belong to any one people, isn't black magic or white magic. It's magic for the everyday. It's the magic of the people.