Five Principles of Green Witchcraft, with Asa West
In an era of climate change and late capitalism, when everything sacred is paved over or commodified, how do you attune yourself to the rhythms of nature? How do you listen for--and hear--the language of the land on which you live? How do you push your magical practice beyond rote rituals into true communion with the spirits around you?
Using ritual, trance, spellwork, and lots of time in nature, this 5-week course will explore what it means to practice authentic green witchcraft. We'll use the lenses of unity, liminality, embodiment, reciprocity, and silence to explore animism, folk deities, wortcunning, and other aspects of this deep and joyful path.
Chapter One: The Forest Speaks With One Voice
Introduction: How to Use This Course
This brief overview explains the structure of this course, as well as the three ongoing practical work assignments which will help you throughout its entirety. You can also download the booklet this course is based on here.
The Forest Speaks With One Voice
This chapter covers the following topics: Animism, egregores, spirits of place, and attention as magical practice
Chapter Two: Twilight Precedes Starlight
Chapter Three: Witchcraft Lives in the Body
Chapter Four: The Witch Always Pays Their Coin
Chapter Five: The Goddess Reveals Herself in Silence
About Your Instructor
Asa West
Asa West is a witch, writer, and artist in Los Angeles, California. Her work stems from Reclaiming Witchcraft, British Traditional Witchcraft, and her Jewish heritage, and she's fascinated by the intersections of nature and civilization. You can find more of her writing and art on Instagram at @TheRedTailWitch.
Course FAQ
As long as you need!
We recommend you devote one week per chapter, but we've designed all our courses to be flexible. Take your time with each lesson, and only proceed to the next one when you feel ready.
And you can take the course over and over whenever you like!
It's up to you! The supplemental reading is there for those who'd like to delve even deeper into the topics covered in the videos.
We highly suggest this, as it will help you embody what you're learning. That being said, like all other parts of this course, it's designed to be flexible and you can decide when and how you do it.