Being Pagan

Being Pagan: A Guide To Re-Enchant Your Life

In a world of uncertainty, political upheaval, climate change, and endless consumerism, and in alienated societies bereft of meaning and connection to nature or community, what does it mean to be Pagan?

This course, developed and instructed by Druid, writer, and Gods&Radicals Press co-founder Rhyd Wildermuth, explores the core beliefs and practices of Pagan and animist belief to guide the participant into re-enchanting their worlds and reconnecting to ancient currents that have never truly gone away.

We’ll look at the 8 threads of connection essential to not just calling oneself Pagan but actually being Pagan.

  • Connection to Pagan Time (the rhythms of the moon, of seasons, and of non-linear time)

  • Connection to Body (what it means to be a body, not just have a body)

  • Connection to Land (direct experience with nature and place)

  • Connection to Plants & Animals (deepening our relationship to those who share the earth with us)

  • Connection to the Other (integrating the unconscious, dreams, and the imaginal into the waking world)

  • Connection to Ancestors (becoming grounded in and understanding the people and stories that create us)

  • Connection to Gods and Spirits (understanding, honoring, and being in relationship with those unseen)

  • Connection to Will (reclaiming your agency and enchanting a dis-enchanted world)

This course is ideal both for those new to Paganism as well as those seeking to re-center their beliefs and practices away from capitalist and mass-marketed ideas and towards something deeper.

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Course FAQ

  • As long as you need! We recommend you do one course chapter per week, but we've designed all our courses to be flexible. Take your time with each lesson, and only proceed to the next one when you feel ready. And you can take the course over and over whenever you like!

  • It's up to you! The supplemental material is there for those who'd like to delve even deeper into the topics covered in the videos. But you can do just as fine only with the primary materials.

  • We highly suggest this, as it will help you embody what you're learning. That being said, like all other parts of this course, it's designed to be flexible and you can decide when and how you do it.

Rhyd Wildermuth

Rhyd Wildermuth is the author of eight books, including Being Pagan: A Guide to Re-Enchant Your Life. He’s a writer and a druid, and he splits his free time equally between forests, the garden, and the gym.

He writes at From The Forests of Arduinna