Sul Books
Born from a collaboration of two long-time independent esoteric publishers, and named to honor the Suleviae — the sisterhood of goddesses revered at springs throughout Europe — Sul Books is dedicated to publishing works that manifest aspects of the sacred sight that heals what humans have harmed.
As with the thrice-fold kinship of the Suleviae goddesses, Sul Books combines the publishing strength of three resilient imprints: Sphinx Books, RITONA, and Gods&Radicals Press. Arising from these continuing legacies comes a fourth, committed to stand-out works of powerful transformation.
Our History
First founded in Seattle, Washington on Beltane, 2014, we started as an online journal posting articles, essays, and poetry from a diverse collection of authors. Soon after, our first publishing venture, Gods&Radicals Press, began with the print journal, A Beautiful Resistance. The next year, we began paying authors of our online journal and published more print works.
Through kind donations from our supportive readers, we were soon able to then begin paying staff — copy editors, layout designers, and especially our site editor, Mirna Wabi-Sabi.
In 2018, we launched Académie Hérétique, an online course program instructed by writers and authors designed to make knowledge of paganism, witchcraft, and related topics more available and more affordable to a wide audience.
In 2021, we re-founded in Europe as Ritona, and expanded our educational work and publishing reach through multiple languages. And in November of 2024, we created Sul Books in equal partnership with longtime U.K. publisher Aeon Books.
Our Philosophy
Each of our imprints is guided by a commitment to pluralism, dissent, and the autonomy of humans, with a core focus on the importance of indigenous, animist, and non-industrial ways of being in the world.
The “benefits” of industrial civilization can never outweigh the great harm done to humans and the rest of the world. All around us are attempts to prop up its failing technologies and repressive ideologies, but we think it’s time to let other worlds be born.
While we don’t adhere to any political program or movement, we’re especially supportive of autonomous, restorative, communal, low-tech, and land-based philosophies and actions.
Our Imprints
Fine fiction and non-fiction of sacred sight that heals what humans have harmed.
Compelling fantasy, speculative, weird, horror, and other works of esoteric fiction.
Dedicated to pagan, animist, and other resources for a
re-enchanted world.
Incendiary works of esoteric philosophy and beautiful resistance.
Our Books
All our titles — in print and digital formats — can be ordered from our website for global delivery. They are also available in many bookstores.
Our Authors
We publish over forty authors from multiple countries and diverse backgrounds, including award-winning authors John Michael Greer and Thomas Ogden.