Capitalism, Feminism, Reclaiming Gods&Radicals Capitalism, Feminism, Reclaiming Gods&Radicals

Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: An Interview with Silvia Federici

In this interview, Federici elaborates on how this ongoing transformation of the body extends inward just as much outward. Our modern conception of the “self” is, without a doubt, impoverished, but as her book titled suggests, reconnecting with what lies beyond the periphery of the skin is essential in reclaiming what was lost on this long and violent path to our present moment, with all its beautiful acts of solidarity and resistance, to the ongoing brutal repression of human and more-than-human life in all its forms.

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The Leadership and Legacy of Indigenous Women

April was Indigenous Month in Brazil. This article reports on the Leadership of Indigenous Women conference in Salvador, and explores the personal and communal journey of indigenous women through generations.

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The Red Champion

What has been won by our liberation from these outdated delusions? What has been gained? Are we free? Are we at peace? Even by the standards of modernity, twisted and obscene, we are undoubtably the poorer. Without the gods, now there is only ourselves to fear.

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Revolution At The Witching Hour: The Legacy of Midnight Notes

Sylvia Federici's "Caliban & The Witch" radically transformed our understanding of the witch burnings. Here are other books from her and the Midnight Notes Collective of deep interest to Pagan Anti-Capitalists

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