Ancestors, Land, History lornasmithers Ancestors, Land, History lornasmithers

Voices from the Water Country

The sites where the heads of ancestors were buried were no doubt seen as especially sacred. As places where the living and the dead, Thisworld and Otherworld, the people and the gods met. Each would have its stories passed down from generation to generation and rituals surrounding it. It is likely that, at liminal times, such as Nos Galan Gaeaf/Samhain, the seers of the Setantii tribe would commune with their dead and their heads would speak again.

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History, Land Emma Kathryn History, Land Emma Kathryn

The Story of Mother Grundy

I don’t blame Mother Grundy for wanting to piss off and live in the wilds, to turn her back on a society that turns in on itself instead of standing together. I feel like that sometimes too, but of course, nowadays many of us don’t have the luxury of doing that, of escaping to live in the countryside, after all, the land is no longer free and belongs to those with deep pockets and corrupt.

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Opening the Seals

Death is not the enemy of life, but godlessness. The despair of humanity today is the product of centuries worth of both the denial of the spiritual life of the world and the suppression of the natural urge to reintegrate with that world.

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The Wyrd of the Weorld is to be Mere-Deap: The Return to Mythic Time

There is a feeling of strangeness that has come over the world. We have a sense, scarcely articulated, that something is coming. And that the world we have become familiar over hundreds of years of capitalism and industrialism, has suddenly become surreal and bizarre. We suddenly become aware of the shadow that walks alongside us.

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