Fire from the Gods on Evildoers
Let us call to them to enter into, as is Their mandate, this iteration of the never-ending fight against the Powers of Wrongness;the stealing and imprisoning of children. Send down Your power to help us stand for Right Action.
New Course: Circling The Star with Anthony Rella
A new course offering from Anthony Rella and Académie Hérétique
Questions of Water
As a heatwave continues to scorch the UK Lorna Smithers poses questions about water use, the sources of our water and who controls them.
The Songs I Know
The Spirit of the Depths had shown me how to awaken the dead,How to bring forth the lost memories of the dream world
The Purpose of a Movement Is What It Does
Sophia Burns argues that opportunism comes not from bad ideas, but from practical and contextual needs.
Lessons From Martial Arts – Part Two
“Fighting is fighting, whether it’s a physical fist fight or fighting against the power that is, the capitalist state, and the destruction of the wild places left in the world it creates, sustains and promotes.”
Tornado Warning
“But there is a king: his name is Lludd. They call him the Once and Future King.”
Bargaining Even With the Spiritual
“Rules to be followed in order to achieve something desired, exchange favors, the human mind is so materialistic that it bargains even with the spiritual.” From Jal Souza
Outlaw Women
“if Rights were ensured to everyone, the Government would have to become something else entirely. It would have to cease to be.”
Down, Down to Troy Town
But with what desperation do we seek to deny the cycles of time! That it were not so is the dearest wish of humanity. Any catastrophe imaginable would be preferable to the secrets hidden in Troy Town.
Letters from a Human Being in a Cage
The more I read what Aaron wrote, the more I realized that "What did he do?" is the wrong question. The right question is "Who is he?" Who is Aaron? Not who was he 13 years ago? Who is he now? If we are going to try to justify someone being locked in a cage, shouldn't that be the question? Not what did they do in the past? But who are they today?
Solstice Musings
As I write this, the solstice is almost upon us. I always think that this time of year takes on an almost dreamlike quality, and time seems to warp into something else so that the New Year and Imbolc seem like distant memories and like yesterday all at the same time.
This is America’s Enslaver Culture
It’s no surprise that, even though chattel slavery was formally abolished throughout the Americas over 100 years ago, enslaver culture is still very much alive.
Songs of a Forgotten Generation
“They don’t believe in their true powers, or the power of this world; they cannot see a world in a grain of sand, nor heaven in a wild flower. Such things are becoming more and more alien to us.”
It takes a village, not a European, to raise a child
"White people, through systematic oppression, actively create, profit from and maintain a market that institutionalises children throughout Africa." (From Jacqueline Tizora)
Mundane and Divine Intertwined
So, without a shrine and without in-person community, what’s a solitary, fish-out-of water devotee to a Japanese spirit of battle and motherhood to do?
The Factory Floor & The Witches Stake
To accept Empire is to deny the dead, the tortured witches of our past and the tortured rebels dying in Empire’s prisons. To not fight Empire is to defy our own bodies, defile the land and destroy the bodies of others. To accept Empire is to become Empire.
The Police Aren't Here For You
The police are an increasingly militarized arm of an increasingly fascist state, hired thugs for capitalist oligarchs, the modern-day version of slave catchers, a terrorist organization. When I came to see this, then abolishing the police didn't seem so crazy anymore.
The Apocalypse Will Be Brought To You by Car, Not Truck
“Cars are bourgeois and trucks are proletarian.” An analysis of the truck-driver’s strike and diesel crisis in Brazil.