Equinox Musings – Connections
“We dream of space travel to distant planets, of the stars, all the while forgetting that the stuff that makes the stars, that makes the universe, makes us too.”
Opening the Seals
Death is not the enemy of life, but godlessness. The despair of humanity today is the product of centuries worth of both the denial of the spiritual life of the world and the suppression of the natural urge to reintegrate with that world.
The Caricature of Discomfort
A powerful and painful declaration of the reality of living with disability.
Witchcraft, An Act of Resistance: Part 2
“I’m not really alone, that my solitary acts are not really solitary, not if they are practised by many, many others, each resisting in their own little way, doing what they can.”
Uber Alles
A poem about (sub)urban youth, political carelessness, contradictions and the criminal justice system. (From Rex Butters)
Insurrection as Resurrection
"It's too late to put flowers in gun barrels" (From Jonathan Ray)
Why Are We All In This Handbasket?
The crust peels back and all-women are looking into a burning pit of rage…
Assigned Faggot: Gender Roles, Sex, and the Division of Labor
Sophia Burns looks at gender roles on paper vs. in practice, and the division of labor underlying both.
Regeneration = Gentrification…
“As we ever expand, as civilisation grows and spreads, the demand for space, for homes and resources increases.”
The Sword Triumphant
The sword is the land. The sword is love and love for the wild. It is the love of waves that crash down upon the shore with an unquenchable fury, until it has ground cliffs into dust. It is the love of the mountain, whose heart is iron.
State Terrorism: A Genocidal Tool of Social Control
An article that explores the culture of fear as a tool for establishing the Power of a capitalist, neocolonial, and genocidal governmental system.
The Striptease That Was Blamed on Abū Bakr’s Naughty Son
In an age where all our movements and words are tracked, and in which internet call-out culture and aggressive trolls make it difficult for any would-be dissident to express viewpoints that fall outside of party lines, it seems timely to be reminded of the poetry of Al-Andalus and in particular that of arguably its most saucey knave
Meet Me At The Crossroads
Those of us who know that this world is a mysterious place, who have not forgotten our place and inter-connectedness within it, who remember and hold dear the knowledge that the stuff of stars is also inside of us too, it will be us who must be ready to fight, when the time comes.
The Sword Radiant
If there was ever a thing of beauty among our race, it was the part that held the light of the star and the crash of the waves upon a rocky, inhospitable shore.
New California: Shithole in the Making (but not actually)
The rule in business is, if it is generating revenue, don't fuck with it.
Do Trees Have Rights? Toward an Ecological Politics
John Halstead proposes an alternative holistic theory of rights, one in which we can ground the rights of nature.
In the Terreiro of Old Black Iaiá, Let’s Saravá
On Paganism of the African Diaspora (From Karina Ramos)
The Horror Of Homelessness
“The homeless are seen as an entity, some dirty mass of otherness"