The Anima of Disintegration
Titanic forces war within us. A war waged by the blood against the intellect, between the influences of the industrial fallen world in which we live, and the primeval, fecund, blood drenched swamps that we remember in our dreams and in the shadows of the woods at night.
Mourning a Tree and Denouncing a System
From the microcosm of personal grief, to Western civilization's atrocities throughout the ages.
On Getting Perspective
I don't have the time to waste in these arguments any longer. I can feel the clouds gathering on the horizon. The storm is coming, and when it does, there will be no time left for pointless arguments and accusations.
The Democratic Party Is Not What You Think
Sophia Burns argues that activist nonprofits are front groups controlled by the Democratic Party
The Burning Crown: Reading "Dismantling The Tower"
What secrets do [plants] share with us in that forgotten language of sighs and whispers?
The Cresting Wave
We’re all in a building that’s on fire, and most of us are wearing blindfolds. Spiritual practice helps us take the blindfold off. We’re still in the building, but if we can see, there’s more we can do.
Lessons From Martial Arts
You wait for the bell to clang, to call you into action. It’s time.
What does calling Brazilian women “sexy” actually mean?
An article on the impact colonialism has in the lives of Brazilian women today.
The Beginning - The Land
We are all connected to the land. It is, at the very least, the one commonality we all share, whether we realise it or not. We are all of this land, of this earth. We all have nature in common. We all have that animating spark, the fire of the gods, within us.
Fascism Today (an excerpt)
The following is excerpted from Shane Burley's new book: Fascism Today: What It Is And How To End It, published by AK Press. A review by Christopher Scott Thompson will appear 15 December here at Gods&Radicals.
On Unity And Power
When we are unified, when we stand together, the vast horde that is The People, there would be no way of stopping us. The state knows this, and thus the only way to stop it is to distract us with infighting, brainwashing, and financial manipulation, to not let it happen in the first place.
The Red Champion
What has been won by our liberation from these outdated delusions? What has been gained? Are we free? Are we at peace? Even by the standards of modernity, twisted and obscene, we are undoubtably the poorer. Without the gods, now there is only ourselves to fear.
Recognising The Tools That Divide Us
Recognising the tools that are used to divide us is the first step in fighting back.
Global Warming: The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy”
“There's a real dark side of the kind of paganism — the secular elites' religion now — being evidently global warming.” K. H. White, Trump's nominee for White House Council on Environmental Policy
The Dark Months Are Coming
We look out for one another. These are my people, but I am not theirs. They know it and so do I. I am a part of their world, and not of it. I am witch.
The Wyrd of the Weorld is to be Mere-Deap: The Return to Mythic Time
There is a feeling of strangeness that has come over the world. We have a sense, scarcely articulated, that something is coming. And that the world we have become familiar over hundreds of years of capitalism and industrialism, has suddenly become surreal and bizarre. We suddenly become aware of the shadow that walks alongside us.