Class and Identity: Against Both/And
The conflict between social democracy and "identity politics" is a red herring.
Escaping the Otherworld: The Reenchantment of Paganism
The real danger to Paganism is not so much that our religion will be outlawed, but that there will be no reason to outlaw it.
You Have to Deliver
Sophia Burns urges revolutionaries to build community power by delivering tangible results.
On Reconciliation and Capitalism
The system is such that life outside of it, at least while it exits, is almost impossible.
The Problems of Liberal Anti-Fascism
If we want a fascist-free world, we need to break from what we have and build a better one. From O. Berkman
Our Disabled and Climate Changed Futures
Two things are inevitable: the climate is changing and we are all becoming disabled.
The Scream Over Annwfn
From Lorna Smithers: an essay on 'the mysterious ritual frenzy' of the scream over Annwfn and its modern manifestations.
Asatru’s Racist Missionary: Stephen McNallen, Defend Europe, and the Weaponization of Folkish Heathery
while the Alt Right is the U.S. and Europe were singing the identitarian’s praises, a celebrity in the U.S. pagan community was capitalizing on this to renew his call for racial tribalism.
Don’t Let ‘em Steal the Gods like They Steal the Rent
There is nothing radical nor inherently leftist about atheism
Thoughts on Brexit
Democracy is our saviour, the West's gift to the world.
That is until the vote doesn't go the right way…
Praise for the Fallen
A praise poem in the bardic tradition, in honor of a fallen warrior.
The Way Of The Violent Stars
“The only way for humanity to make itself immune to violence is to allow the creation of a vast authoritarian system that protects individuals from personal violence through the endless impersonal violence of the state.”