How Design Delivers Paradoxical Answers to Capitalism
Capitalism disguises itself very well, but it’s not perfect.
“Savagery” in Guatemala stems from U.S. foreign policy – not Mayan civilization
“Bloodthirsty savagery”, which is often attributed to the Mayan people, far better describes U.S. foreign policy than any pre-Columbian civilization in the Americas. We ought to remember that the Mayan people still exist today, and they were and still are far from the backwards and underdeveloped stereotype propagated in mainstream media.
Byen og skoven | The city and the forest
To call the employment of street sweepers very civilized is something of an exaggeration. It would be truly civilized if everyone stopped throwing trash in the streets.
Brazil, Between Life and Death
Whatever rules being imposed by the state or the parallel powers of organized crime, they seem to signify a blatant disregard for the lives of marginalized peoples.
Anarchy and the 15-minute city: The birth of an intimate relationship with the urban space
They say the pandemic has popularized walking and the urban concept of the so-called fifteen-minute city – a city where all the necessary things are within a fifteen minute walk.
Do you have ‘problematic’ items on your altar?
“Forests need to be respected as crucial for the vibrant web of life they nurture. Each tree is an individual life connected to other lives.”
[An introduction to anti-capitalist paganism]
Who Watches the Watchmen?
“These deaths were simultaneously brutal and surreal, horrific and childishly ridiculous. The modern face of fascism is a killer in a clownish Viking outfit, face painted and howling in mindless joy because he did something to get noticed.”
Getting Rid of Trump Doesn’t Treat the Pervasive Toxicity of ‘American Democracy’
“Fidelity to the rule of law” may now be a sentiment that serves our fleeting motivation to get rid of Trump, but it will never rescue us from the pervasive toxicity of the global political landscape ‘American Democracy’ has devised.
Class Divides and Cultural Revolutions
When I compare the present moment in the US to China’s Cultural Revolution, it’s not from the perspective of a defender of capitalism or the status quo. It’s from a perspective that seeks class abolition and complete social revolution, not just cultural radicalism.
Armenia, an Ancient Civilization shielding against Pan-Turkism
“For many Armenians, today’s reality of ethnic hate and war crimes is a haunting reminder of the past, a second attempt at the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Turkey's involvement in this current war not only included a dark and long history of genocide against the Armenian people during the first World War, but in addition, a geopolitical, economic, and ethnic agenda of Pan-Turkism, the desire to unify all Turkish-speaking nations for the recreation of the Ottoman Empire.”
Paganism within the Project of Equity
Elections have the habit of making even the most radical among us elevate the project of democracy. If the United States were a true democracy, that would be a vast improvement over the present condition. But what this line of thinking fundamentally does is provide a simulacrum of arguments for equity.
“We are obliged to build a New Belarus!”: Reports from Belarusian exiles in Poland
Faith in the democratic system is eroding not only in Belarus, but also in the United States and other places around the globe. The principles of ‘Freedom' America sought to defend for almost a century revealed to be a shortcoming in their own territory, and not exclusive to 2nd and 3rd world authoritarian governments.
Should “gig drivers” be Employees?
If you don't vote for Prop 22, you'll still have to live with the fallout from AB5. If you do vote for Prop 22 you're a fool that wants something worse than a boss. A boss you owe money to.
When to Not Follow Instincts
If someone worships wealth, though the idea of it might be immutable, they want how much they have of it to change. Even in worshiping deities, eternal as they might be, they are seen as having the power of Change.
We Are Not Against Civilization, Civilization is Against Us
Today, as the cautionary tale that we have become, it’s not too late to start putting this planet back in our sights, even if it means looking at something uncomfortable and un-rescuable.
Men Infantilize Women and Fetishize Power
As years go by, what changed the most was my attitude. I've become more confident, sure of myself, emotionally balanced and close to immune to peer pressure. These qualities are often a turn-off for men.
Civil Rights Today Through the Lens of Yesterday
What should be clear to all citizens who believe in the promises encapsulated in the Bill of Rights is that those rights are under direct assault. We cannot let the power structure define when, where, and how we exercise our rights.
Thoughts from the other side of the pond
The lobster who has never seen a kitchen before likely does not comprehend the meaning of the pot. But while lobsters in the ocean generally don’t have the means to educate themselves about kitchens, the American lack of understanding as to the mechanisms of fascism is not a matter of lack of means but willful ignorance towards something that happened far away and therefore, in their reasoning, would never concern or affect them.
Death to the Intelligent Designer
The autonomy of those moving needs to be supported and not hindered because the particularity of challenges are different at different scales, requiring life at those scales to be allowed to act with nuance to the complexity of a changing world. Trying to manage this from on-high as an intelligent designer or manager only makes the situation worse as it hinders the adaptation that life needs to engage in to move with changing social and environmental climates and shifting resources.