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Gods&Radicals—A Site of Beautiful Resistance.

Posts in Corporatism
“Damn Dirty Humans!”: ‘Planet of the Humans’ and Progressive Denial

“The film is asking us to come to terms with some difficult realities which we have yet to face: namely, that sustaining our infinite growth, industrial civilization on renewables is neither desirable nor possible, yet that is exactly what green capitalists are intent on pursuing.”

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"Standard in the Industry": Patheos and Normalizing Corporate Abuse

It’s a problem when we think we have no power in dealing with corporations. That’s what the words “standard in the industry” and “boilerplate” are meant to do. They’re meant to make us feel powerless. But we do have power. We have power when we are informed. We have power when we use our voices, and when we use our feet. We have power when we act together.

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