The Ultra Wealthy Dream of Fintech Unicorns
To be at the “Forefront of Financial Inclusion” is to properly remunerate workers, and to provide every citizen with basic health needs and education — not to provide modern ways for poor people to feel broke and inadequate.
How Design Delivers Paradoxical Answers to Capitalism
Capitalism disguises itself very well, but it’s not perfect.
Investment In Public Transportation That Exacerbates Inequality
“Government investments in public transport systems may very well be exacerbating inequality due to their direct ties with the global capitalist system.”
Byen og skoven | The city and the forest
To call the employment of street sweepers very civilized is something of an exaggeration. It would be truly civilized if everyone stopped throwing trash in the streets.
“Damn Dirty Humans!”: ‘Planet of the Humans’ and Progressive Denial
“The film is asking us to come to terms with some difficult realities which we have yet to face: namely, that sustaining our infinite growth, industrial civilization on renewables is neither desirable nor possible, yet that is exactly what green capitalists are intent on pursuing.”
Corporatism, Degradation, and Living in a World of Catastrophe
The sad reality is that individual action is inadequate. No amount of donation, responsible eating, ethical-company-purchasing action will save anyone when your professional and economic actions work to undermine your theoretical ideals.
…as if there was a huge dome around the metropolis that prevents access to other places, or that transforms other places into utopias disconnected from reality which can be accessed only from time to time in dream
Trump: The Living Corporation Part II: Mysterium Feces
On Trump, Fascism, and the problem with anarchist misanthropy.
Trump: The Living Corporation
The person occupying the White House is not human, but is in fact a corporation. A living corporation, The Trump Organization has found itself a body...
"Standard in the Industry": Patheos and Normalizing Corporate Abuse
It’s a problem when we think we have no power in dealing with corporations. That’s what the words “standard in the industry” and “boilerplate” are meant to do. They’re meant to make us feel powerless. But we do have power. We have power when we are informed. We have power when we use our voices, and when we use our feet. We have power when we act together.