New Deal, Old Science
Current Big Green proposals for a Green New Deal are coalescing around inadequate targets.
In Brazil, Disaster is No Longer Impending
It’s the hearts of all of us that are being ripped out, day after day, in this system that feeds off our misery.
What has happened in Venezuela?
Although it is said by authorities that Brazil has no plans to be involved in potential military conflict, the Brazilian military has significantly expanded its presence on the Venezuelan border since last month.
On the Use and Abuse of Rage for Life
“Will we stand idly by, cynical and apathetic, while what’s left of society is dismantled, piece by piece, as a sacrificial offering to the great god Mammon? Or will we, fueled by sheer rage, stand up as one to the orgiastic misanthropy of our “leaders” and smash their petty little self-aggrandizing ambitions into dust?”
It’s 2018, Do You Know Where Your Personal Data Is?
“The political relevance of Privacy Rights is not exclusive to one country or one continent. These rights are essential for combating violent forms of control practiced by States everywhere, which aim only to benefit a hegemony rather than the people as a whole. Europe and the Americas are connected in ways that transcend the virtual world, but these connections have undeniably been exacerbated in this ever-changing technological landscape.”
Memories of the End of History
I cringe to hear people talk of 9/11 in tones that suggest it was a simpler, kinder, more peaceful time. It wasn't really.
Sometimes Coordinated, Always Authentic: Terrorism prevention efforts apply to G&R
Facebook's efforts to detect and eradicate “coordinated inauthentic behavior" by Russian meddlers is a pretext to suppress political activism and counter-hegemonic initiatives.
How to Be a Trans Writer in the Era of Never-Ending Gender Wars
“To write is to claim the audacity to speak and the courage to yield, to dare for a moment to care for ourselves in speech, in writing, and in solitude.”
Outlaw Women
“if Rights were ensured to everyone, the Government would have to become something else entirely. It would have to cease to be.”
This is America’s Enslaver Culture
It’s no surprise that, even though chattel slavery was formally abolished throughout the Americas over 100 years ago, enslaver culture is still very much alive.
Songs of a Forgotten Generation
“They don’t believe in their true powers, or the power of this world; they cannot see a world in a grain of sand, nor heaven in a wild flower. Such things are becoming more and more alien to us.”
Binding the Wolf
Practical steps that universal/independent Kindreds and Heathens can take to: Combat the overall appearance of collusion with the Odinist racist ideology by no longer keeping a shameful silence.
Guns and Dope: The Anti-Oppressant
This is the reality of the War on Drugs; it is thinly veiled, and sometimes not, racism.
The Leadership and Legacy of Indigenous Women
April was Indigenous Month in Brazil. This article reports on the Leadership of Indigenous Women conference in Salvador, and explores the personal and communal journey of indigenous women through generations.
No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs, Or The Windrush Scandal
“The government shredded landing cards and other documents that would have outright proven these people’s right to stay. These folks, mostly the children of the Windrush generation, are and always have been British citizens, heck, the passport my father came over with even says British Passport on the cover!”