The Virtual is Death to the Being in Struggle
Solidarity is not the same as this insane movement of taking photos with the donation of a food aid basket and leaving the subject served by this charity for the flies.
Degrassing and Recycling
The point of this essay, apart from pushing for everyone with a yard to degrass and plant useful things, is to demonstrate that I have made a start already in preparation for a projected New World that may come into being when the Pandemic is over.
Ignorant as the Dawn
We are currently seeing the limits inherent in the types of understanding gained through rationality and technics. While there may have been a moment when it could be reasonably argued that new developments in the intellectual products of humanity were oriented towards the improvement of human life, there can now be no doubt that these have facilitated greater levels of immiseration and despair than ever before imagined.
Sustainability and the Bounty of Empire
Sustainability, as we conventionally call it, is not actually sustainable. Sustainability continues to use finite resources as if they were infinite. Sustainability leads to greater harm to all life, not greater friendship with all beings. The products of sustainability—solar panels and biofuels — require Empire.
Controversies in the Ancestral Arts
As the ravages of Empire play out, cultural recovery may become our goal again in the future — and we may find ourselves by choice or necessity living in small localized kinship groups once again, looking to our own ancestral traditions for a template to survival.
That Old Time Sophistry
Oh you'll go outside again, work at a job, hate the president. But that old world is gone, let it go and prepare for the new.
A Letter from a Witch in Quarantine Times
May you take care of your essence like a lioness takes care of her young, and may your heart shine with the innocence of a child, seeing the world through the hopeful eyes of tomorrow full of sweets, toys and ice cream. We still have to fight, with hope and confidence in seeing what we are in each other's eyes, even if by videoconference.
The Haunting Gaze of the Pandemic
Going outside for a walk or, more daringly, a trip to the grocery store, we are more aware than ever of our proximity to others just as they are of us. Jean-Paul Sartre’s summary observation in No Exit that “Hell is other people” has assumed a qualitatively more severe level of significance.
The Systemic Changes Needed to Combat Hunger (During a Pandemic)
The cultural impact of ultra-processed foods is “a consequence of the desire to consume more and more as to create the sensation of belonging to a more modern and superior culture." With this, late stage capitalism has changed the concept of poverty and hunger.
The Great Middle Class Housing Scam, or The Whale
The status Q needs that middle-class to believe that the system works for them.
Are human bodies disposable? Do you use them and then throw them away? Do bodies lying on the ground covered in blood cause as much damage as the plastic thrown into the ocean? If this is the problem; how many must die for the problem to be solved? Do blacks naturally have a short life span?
The best thing about social distancing is gardening naked, and privilege
Feeling unworthy of dignity has put many people on a perpetual state of vulnerability, starting much before this outbreak, and continuing well after this whole thing blows over.
How to Hijack National Identity
People of color are the ones who need to deal with the question “Where are you really from?" Unless you want to start asking this question to white people, you shouldn't be asking it at all.
I Watched Pantheacon Die
It isn't like Pantheacon dying is going to make three wolf moon t-shirts go away. Or books offering native spirituality as a product.
Our land is dying; our neighbors are dying; everything sacred is being hunted down and destroyed. But tonight, at this moment, all I can do is pause to feel gratitude for the rain.
ANGIE SPEAKS 20: Black Little Mermaid
Join Angie Speaks as she unpicks how Diversity under capitalism can often obstruct deeper analysis of power, aesthetics and images.
The Consequences of the Lack of Poetry in Witchcraft
We are the serial products that lose sense and purpose if our numbers are switched, reduced to a lowly existence, even less than what we are already systematically forced to be. In the eyes of the Witch, today we lack poetry.
Riot Review of 2019: Resistance and The Western Gaze
This piece won’t have the pretence of analyzing the myriad of global uprisings and their effectiveness. It will deal critically with the Western gaze over Southern and Eastern movements — without promoting deradicalization. […] More often than not, mass media has been used to manipulate public opinion, and we must be critical, above all, of that which seems to have been catered for us.
The Transformative Power of Harvesting Wild Plants
To be honest, I still get knots in my stomach when I eat wild plants at a dinner, sometimes even when I’ve picked them myself. A little voice in my head still asks me, “are you really sure?”
Where does this anxiety come from exactly?