Course: All That Is Sacred Is Profaned (begins 1 November)
Our popular course offered one last time this year!
How to Tell Someone to go Back to Their Shithole Country Without Being Racist
Northern rains come slow and stay for ages. A particular type of torture. It doesn’t wash over you, it shoots arrows at you from all directions. You don’t feel its wetness on your skin, you feel its bite on your bones.
Autumnal Thoughts: Entwined Musings
When we see ourselves as part of the landscape, only then, I believe we’ll put in the real work to stop the destruction of it.
But how likely is that do you reckon?
Machine-Brains and the "Coming Civil War"
To short circuit all of this, we need to insist on our own—and especially the other’s--humanity.
Should “gig drivers” be Employees?
If you don't vote for Prop 22, you'll still have to live with the fallout from AB5. If you do vote for Prop 22 you're a fool that wants something worse than a boss. A boss you owe money to.
Our First Fiction release: The Provisioner, by Rhyd Wildermuth
A new novella from Rhyd Wildermuth
Autumnal Musings: The Importance of Connections
Sometimes the only thing we might have to give is comfort, and that’s okay. Comfort can be precious.
Elf Story
An autonomous zone in Minneapolis is probably the last place I expected to hear of an encounter with Icelandic elves, but that’s the world we live in now. The Uprising has brought people together from wildly different walks of life, and as we get to know each other we hear each other’s stories. This one just happened to involve the elves.
Voice of Mother Tiger
MAAM is destined to be remembered as one of the towering and major literary figures of the 20th century, and indeed since the very inception of Spanish letters.
David Graeber: The Uncertainty of Being Human
We had sort of been reliant on the idea that with Graeber out there, there was hope that life today would find a way out of systems of coercive authority.
Fascism and the Deadlock of Race
We must ask whether the abolition of racism is possible without the abolition of race.
When to Not Follow Instincts
If someone worships wealth, though the idea of it might be immutable, they want how much they have of it to change. Even in worshiping deities, eternal as they might be, they are seen as having the power of Change.
Magical Defense Against Internet Harassment: A short overview
internet harassment relies entirely on the physical distance of the perpetrators to the victims, but magic is a rather effective way of short-circuiting this technological distancing
XXI ~ The World
The last few months and weeks in particular have also given me some hope. There are so many people out there who do not want to end up at the destination this current path leads to. We are starting to realise we are not just individual islands in a rushing river, soon to be engulfed by the dark, cold waters of Capitalism and all it stands for, but rather we are beacons.
Our two most-read guides, now together in print!
Agents Of Pacification: When The Provocateurs Are Nonviolent
There’s no point in singling out any particular tendency of course. The hard truth is that police pose as pacifists, as street fighters, as photographers, as medics, as marshals, and as journalists.