Course: All That Is Sacred Is Profaned (begins 1 November)

NEXT COURSE BEGINS 1 November, 2020. Please Enroll by 31 October, 2020)

What exactly is capitalism? How did it arise from the severance of people and land? What was Marx on about, and is Marxism still relevant? In this five-week distance course, we’ll study the Marxist framework through a Pagan lens.

Designed and instructed by Rhyd Wildermuth, participants of All That Is Sacred Is Profaned will learn through videos, texts, and online conversations:

  • What Capitalism is, how it works, and how it came about through historical processes.

  • How Capitalism relates to slavery, colonization, and other forms of exploitation.

  • What is meant by class and class struggle, and why your boss needs you but you don’t need your boss.

  • How wages work, and why we are never paid what we’re “worth.”

  • Who Marx was, why his work still matters, and how Marxist materialism enhances Pagan thought.

  • How Race, Gender, Sexuality, and other oppression categories are understood through Marxism.

  • What the differences are between Autonomous Marxist thought and Totalitarian Communism.

This course is specifically designed for those with little background in Marxism or academic environments.

General Information

Course Length and Schedule: The course lasts for five weeks.

Time Commitment: Participants will be expected to devote a minimum of four hours each week (20 hours total) to the course. This expectation includes time devoted to reading course texts, viewing video lectures, and engaging in conversation with other participants.

Cost: Sliding Scale $20-$60. Pay what you feel capable of. Digital text provided to all participants. Print edition provided for enrollment levels of $40, $50, and $60

Maximum participants: 25

Course Requirements: Participants need have no prior knowledge of Marxist theory nor experience in academic settings. Physical requirements include internet access, a computer or smartphone capable of accessing course materials and viewing videos, and each participant will need to create a login (free of cost) for Discord.

Course Materials: Each participant will be given a digital edition of All That Is Sacred Is Profaned, that comprises the primary textbook for the course (written by Rhyd Wildermuth), as well as access to five video lectures. They will also be given a digital edition of Solidarity Networks & Emergency Survival as optional course reading. Print editions of both are available either as direct purchase or are included in enrollment levels of $40 or more. In addition, a guide to using the private Discord server for participant discussions will also be provided.

Venue: Weekly course conversations will occur on a dedicated Discord server, where participants will engage in discussion with each other and the instructor, as well as be able to communicate directly with the instructor.

Cancellation/Refund policy: Full refunds of payment are possible up until the end of the first day of the course.

Other policies: In the very unlikely event that a participant creates a hostile environment for other participants or the instructor, and if attempts to address the behavior do not correct the problem, the instructor reserves the right to end a participant’s participation. The above cancellation/refund policy will apply in such cases.

Enrollment process: To enroll, remit payment by purchasing the course access at this link..

About Académie Hérétique

Académie Hérétique (Heretic Academy) is a series of online course offerings from Gods&Radicals Press. Académie Hérétique’s focus is on political theory, philosophy, esoteric and occult studies, history, and tactical skills for people with little to no academic background or previous knowledge of the subjects taught. Instructors are committed to accommodating varied learning backgrounds, styles, and abilities as much as possible.

Académie Hérétique courses are priced at the lowest rate possible that still enables us to fairly compensate our instructors for their labor, and subsidies are available for those who cannot afford them.

To stay updates on upcoming course options, please subscribe to the Gods&Radicals Press mailing list.


Use the link below. Select your enrollment level (pay what you can). Then click on the cart (top right of the web browser or bottom link in the menu bar from mobile browsing). Please check your email for course enrollment material (we usually send this within a few days of enrollment).


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