Land Emma Kathryn Land Emma Kathryn

Folklore of Trees: The Hawthorn - The Green in the Storm

I write a lot of stuff about folklore, I know an in part it is because I am something of a nerd. I always have been, preferring to nose through old and forgotten books as well as newer tomes than watching tv or any other distraction of the modern world. But there’s also something else that folklore offers and in a way that is lost to the modern world. It’s the stories of our ancestors, passed from generation to generation and the knowledge of them. It’s the history of the people as opposed to the history of the politicians and the controllers of the world. It’s a shared knowledge of the world around us both physical and spiritual. Folklore is more than just old stories, so much more.

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Uncategorized, Druidry Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Druidry Christopher Scott Thompson

The Manor of Tara

“Taking this idealized portrait of early Ireland as a mental map, we see particular Buada or ‘excellences’ associated with each of the four directions as well as the sacred center. The purpose of the Manor of Tara ritual is to invoke these excellences...”

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Colonialism, Decolonization, Witchcraft Gods&Radicals Colonialism, Decolonization, Witchcraft Gods&Radicals

Colonialism and Decolonization Processes in Brazilian Witchcraft

Are we giving real support to indigenous peoples, offering their proper place in society and fighting against their still present eradication process? Or are we only concerned with gaining more knowledge for our spiritual evolution, thinking that these spirits are also here for us to use because they are similar to the Europeans ones we know, or even that these spirits could feel honored if we force them into our Witchcraft boxes with European, foreign and white roots?

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Gods, Mythology Emma Kathryn Gods, Mythology Emma Kathryn

Imbolc Musings - Folklore of the Crossroads

The crossroads are steeped in mystery and folklore. The place where two or more roads intersect is a liminal space, a no man’s land belonging to no person. Perhaps that is why they are places of magick and folklore. Perhaps this is why they are spaces to commune with the spirits of the wild, unseen forces that pull at us. In this world where every inch of land is owned, where we are expected to be on the go, never stopping, trying to fit it all in, where we must always be something other than our true natures, perhaps that is why the crossroads call to us.

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Colonialism, Community, Decolonization, Land Gods&Radicals Colonialism, Community, Decolonization, Land Gods&Radicals

Land Acknowledgments in NeoPagan Rituals: Perspectives from Ohlone Territory

We invite you to engage with your community about how the ideas presented here can transform your community and your practice. A land acknowledgment is just the first step of imagining and co-creating a better world where the lands, waters, animals, and human beings can thrive.

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Anthony Rella Anthony Rella

The Wounded King Surrenders to the Land

Today there's going to be a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, including a conjunction with the Sun, so astrologically it's a Big Deal. Many astrologers I follow observe that whenever there is a Saturn and Pluto conjunction there also tends to be a spike in Fascism. In service of this I wrote the following allegorical ritual poem that draws on the myths of the Fisher King / Wounded King.

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Animism, Witchcraft Emma Kathryn Animism, Witchcraft Emma Kathryn

Building a Relationship With Nature

The deep, dark wild woods, mysterious and magical, have an almost mythic status amongst Pagans. Indeed there is something so alluring about losing oneself beneath the canopy of the forest. However, for the beginner, the best place to start is somewhere close to you, somewhere you can visit daily or weekly. It can be a garden if you have one, or a local patch of trees, whatever. What is important is that you can get there as often as possible.

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