Article Emma Kathryn Article Emma Kathryn

New Year Celebrations - An Exploration of Folk Traditions from the British Isles

As I write this it’s Boxing day. My house is a riot of noise and merriment, filled with my loved ones and I reflect on how lucky I am, to have food in my cupboards, a roof over my head and the most basic of needs met. Boxing day always feels a little melancholy, a time to reflect on the year almost gone and think forward towards the next. I will forgo such musings today however. Instead, on this day of servants (Boxing day originated from the peasant class - so many would have been working on Christmas day itself, in service to the upper classes that the day after was their Christmas day, when they would give and receive their own Christmas boxes and spend time with their families) let’s explore some weird and wonderful New Year celebrations that make our modern way of seeing in the new year appear bland in comparison.

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Riot Review of 2019: Resistance and The Western Gaze

This piece won’t have the pretence of analyzing the myriad of global uprisings and their effectiveness. It will deal critically with the Western gaze over Southern and Eastern movements — without promoting deradicalization. […] More often than not, mass media has been used to manipulate public opinion, and we must be critical, above all, of that which seems to have been catered for us.

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Rhyd Wildermuth Rhyd Wildermuth

The Chthonic King of Christmas

Roman priests knew the same truth psychotherapists know: deep desires and ancient drives cannot simply be consigned to the underworld. Sublimated urges live on still, quake through the illusory stability of our society, and resurface again to manifest their wills.

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Editorial, Politics Gods&Radicals Editorial, Politics Gods&Radicals

A Year of G&R Interviews on the Last Born in the Wilderness Podcast

In grappling with the implications of the global ecological crisis and anthropogenic climate disruption, the animist perspective, as presented in the wide range of voices published on this website, revealed to me something incredibly crucial and often missing in the popular discourse on the matter — our sacred obligations as a species, and more specifically as anti-capitalists and political radicals, in our time of trouble.

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Magic, recipe Emma Kathryn Magic, recipe Emma Kathryn

Cooking, Magic and Resistance

Learning to cook from scratch and even trying to grow your own food is an act of rebellion and resistance. These skills and knowledge are quickly being displaced by convenience foods that are not good for us and so in this way then, magic in the kitchen becomes another tool in our arsenal we can use to reclaim ourselves from the clutches of Capitalism. And it’s easier than you might think as well, the trick is to start small. There is no other way, all rebellions and resistance start as a trickle. Resist beautifully folks!

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Druidry, Uncategorized Christopher Scott Thompson Druidry, Uncategorized Christopher Scott Thompson

The Well of Wisdom

“The five streams that come from the Well are the five senses. The nuts from the hazels of wisdom drop down into the Well, to be eaten by the Salmon of Wisdom. The Salmon of Wisdom contains the Imbas, the mystical power of poetic inspiration and prophesy.”

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Land Emma Kathryn Land Emma Kathryn

On Rewilding Ourselves

The night before last, winter’s breath had kissed the land, glazing everything with a layer of frost that caught the silver glow of the waning moon that still hung in the early morning sky, making everything shimmer and glisten like stars fallen from the heavens.

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Uncategorized, Druidry Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Druidry Christopher Scott Thompson

Walking the Circle

In Radical Druidry, the sunwise walk can be used to “sain” or bless and purify a place to be defended, or to bless and purify those who are carrying out a direct action. The counter-sunwise walk can be used to banish negative forces or to call down spiritual wrath upon oppressors and their agents.

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Article Emma Kathryn Article Emma Kathryn

Lessons From Dogs

And so I take my memories of her and the lessons learned from her into the future, for isn’t that one way our beloved dead live on? And what would those lessons be? To live in the moment and fully, to experience it all with truth and with feeling. To honour family and friends. To guard and protect those who cannot do so for themselves. To love with my whole being and to sink my teeth and claws into my enemies, those that would harm me and keep me caged.

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