Land Emma Kathryn Land Emma Kathryn

On Rewilding Ourselves

The night before last, winter’s breath had kissed the land, glazing everything with a layer of frost that caught the silver glow of the waning moon that still hung in the early morning sky, making everything shimmer and glisten like stars fallen from the heavens.

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Uncategorized, Druidry Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Druidry Christopher Scott Thompson

Walking the Circle

In Radical Druidry, the sunwise walk can be used to “sain” or bless and purify a place to be defended, or to bless and purify those who are carrying out a direct action. The counter-sunwise walk can be used to banish negative forces or to call down spiritual wrath upon oppressors and their agents.

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Article Emma Kathryn Article Emma Kathryn

Lessons From Dogs

And so I take my memories of her and the lessons learned from her into the future, for isn’t that one way our beloved dead live on? And what would those lessons be? To live in the moment and fully, to experience it all with truth and with feeling. To honour family and friends. To guard and protect those who cannot do so for themselves. To love with my whole being and to sink my teeth and claws into my enemies, those that would harm me and keep me caged.

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Ancestors, Animism Emma Kathryn Ancestors, Animism Emma Kathryn

Samhain Musings - A Time to Act

The mundane and the spiritual are entwined, twisted together like the ivy that wraps around the fence posts in my garden, not a burden, but each supporting the other, for the fence is rotted and it is only the ivy keeping it standing, but alas I digress.

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