Druidry, Uncategorized Christopher Scott Thompson Druidry, Uncategorized Christopher Scott Thompson

The Nine Elements

“Direct worship of natural phenomena is a powerful way to overcome our alienation from the world around us, and the linking of those natural phenomena to our minds and bodies is another way to make this connection more alive and real.”

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Animism, Mythology Emma Kathryn Animism, Mythology Emma Kathryn

Feathered Folklore

As I write this, I’m sitting in my garden, drinking my morning brew in the dark and listening to the rain. At this time of year, there isn’t much of a dawn chorus. That melody is better than any orchestra of man, but even in these darker months, the birds are ever present; the chirps of the sparrows nestled in the thick ivy, the loud and melodic call of the blackbird, clear as a bell as is the robins song. It’s no wonder we, mankind, have a special fascination with these feathered creatures as shown in the vast array of folklore associated with birds.

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Capitalism, Mythology, Witchcraft Emma Kathryn Capitalism, Mythology, Witchcraft Emma Kathryn

Full Moon Musings: Finding the Devil

We see it time and time again. Hipster foods that make poor brown people starve because they can no longer afford a food that was once their staple; or crops that are grown for cattle to satisfy our demand for ever cheaper meat instead of to feed those people who grow them. It’s not those folks who benefit from this supposed growth. It is not you or I.

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lornasmithers lornasmithers

There is a Rowan

They are searching
for the ones who have eaten
the stars set their tongues alight

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Uncategorized, Paganism Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Paganism Christopher Scott Thompson

Renewing the Pact

“Given the crisis the world presently faces, the most potent form of offering may be action in the world: mutual aid and solidarity, direct action against injustice or climate change, and so on. The Renewal of the Pact will require more than symbolism.”

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Article, Community Emma Kathryn Article, Community Emma Kathryn

On Community, Solidarity & The Passing of Greatness

So what does this mean when it comes to community building and forging solidarity links? Quite simply it means that you must be willing to take action of some sort. The time for such is now. And if there’s nothing happening in your neighbourhood or town, then you must be willing to step forward, to create the narrative you want to see. It may be scary but you must try and you might well be surprised with the outcome.

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