The Importance of Folklore
The Anansi stories hold a special place in my heart, what with my family, or at least the paternal side, hailing from the Caribbean. But there’s another important aspect to not only the Anansi stories, but most folk stories, generally speaking of course. Many of them come from the common people. These stories are born from the shared struggle against the harshness of life.
The Return of the Wrach?
As global warming produces conditions favourable for the breeding of mosquitoes and the spread of malaria (or ague as it was once known), this essay looks at the lore associating it with hags and witches, who paradoxically were believed to cause and cure it.
Hannah Arendt, bell hooks, Slavoj Zizek...just a few names on an ever-growing list of philosophers that good leftists aren't “allowed" to read anymore because of something “problematic" they said.
In this episode, Alley and Rhyd discuss the “canceling" of artists, philosophers, and other creators and trace the roots of our obsession with right belief to the Christian wars against heresy and the Calvinist obsession with faith over works.
No, That’s Not What Fascism Is
Gods & Radicals is an easy target for a left that lacks a critical space. It talks about paganism, civilization, romanticism, all things running counter to the narrow space that even the radical left exists in Europe and the U.S., and that is where it is at its best.
Hold Steady
“We must survive the night - and all the other nights. We must survive the flood. We must not just survive but thrive in mud.”
Know Your Enemy: A Green Anarchist Response to the Christchurch Shooter's Manifesto (Part 2 and 3)
Part 2: Response
Folklore & Superstitions - Connecting With The Land Where You Live
I adore folk lore, superstitions and old wives tales, from all over the world. There are stories and sayings about almost everything you can think of from trees, to birds to the weird and wonderful. I believe such stories give a great deal of insight into humanity’s relationship with the natural world, and highlight the common thread that runs through whilst at the same time celebrating our differences. These stories can help to deepen our understanding of and thus our connection to the land. Here I’ll share with you some of my favourite tree lore.
Know Your Enemy: A Green Anarchist Response to the Christchurch Shooter's Manifesto (part 1)
We will build our knowledge as revolutionaries, insurrectionaries, anti-fascists in the world, learning and growing in capability as defenders of what we value – we will defeat the fascists and frustrate their plans every time their tumour of an ideology makes itself known.
Brazil's "Dictatorship Deniers": the new guise of capitalist hegemony
We’ve impeached a President, replaced her with a criminal, and now we are run by militia. A severely flawed Democracy has been replaced by a Military Dictatorship that barely bothers to disguise. Where but in a dystopian world is this framed as “Freedom”?
Week 2: Laboratorium Piesni, Volkstrott, La Corte di Lunas, Wolves in the Throne Room, Valravn
Burning the Flag
“Quemando la bandera" (Traducción al español por Slippery Elm). / “Burning the Flag" (Spanish translation by Slippery Elm).
Week #1: Mari Boine, Garmarna, Alcest, L’Ham de Foc, Poeta Magica
Equinox Musings: Fighting Talk
Now is the time for us rise up, to take direct action against the injustices we see in this world, all injustices, whether to other people, animals or the environment, however we can.
The Madness of the March Wind
The shift in perspective, from the March Wind as a mad but familiar ally to alphabetically named storms viewed as entirely dangerous and oppositional, reflects climate change and our changing attitudes toward the weather.
On Silence - Restricted narratives of gendered sexualized violence
It is not a coincidence that mainstream feminist movements are spearheaded by white, hetero, middle class women, and pinkpussy hats. In the margins of their presence though, lies a beautiful resistance waiting to be heard.