Balor Reborn
“Our cities, once bright jewels on the plain, are swept away in shards of shattered glass and buckled girder. In the rending shriek I hear the one-eyed king of giants speak.”
My identity as a Black woman should not serve to alienate me from the working class…
The Diversity Petrichor
Here is a short overview of G&R’s past year in terms of diversity.
The Magic In The Mundane
The memories move slowly, languidly. Like syrup or honey, sweet and oh so good, but clear and distinct. I can even remember snatches of conversation, still catch the scent of summer; the early morning coolness, then the hot air of afternoon, tinged with freshly mown grass. I can still feel the shiny black water worm writhing in the palm of my hand as I unfurled my fingers, hoping to see a newt.
The Prison and The Key: Pagan Perspectives on Suicide (Part 2)
Part 2 of a 2 part series on the painful subject of suicide. It includes the sections Suicide as a Systemic Illness, Supporting the Loved Ones of Those Who Died by Suicide, and Spiritual Contexts for Suicide.
The Prison and The Key: Pagan Perspectives on Suicide (Part 1)
The 1st part of a 2 part series on the extremely painful subject of suicide. We hope this can help everyone who has had to deal with it one way or another. This section includes an Intro and The Value of Autonomy.
Though this is not the future we were promised nor the progress we were hoping for, this was always the only future that was ever possible for our industrialized civilizations.
Misogyny, Colonialism, and the Armed Forces
On the misogynistic culture of the Armed Forces, colonial attitudes toward Indigenous and Quilombist peoples in Brazil, and a call to action asking women to take up space.
Regeneration = Gentrification Part 2: As Below, So Above
Hermeticism tells us that all things are connected, that what happens in the microcosm is a reflection of what is happening in the macrocosm. With this in mind then, my local issues are a reflection of national and global issues. The loss and destruction of land and the displacement of peoples is happening all over the world. And the poor are always the worst affected.
At Ground Level
“Where litter meets land, the detritus of the Anthropocene and the humus of the earth and her creatures meet in scenes that are disturbing, to some disgusting, but which display the alacrity of life”
The Body of God
Traditions are kept alive through repetition. The gods are honored by honoring the cycles of the seasons, which dictate when offerings are given, and by honoring the process of life and death itself.
EMPIRES CRUMBLE, 10: ANARCHY & ART (with Margaret Killjoy)
The tenth episode of Empires Crumble, with guest Margaret Killjoy
How the Discordian Society created the Deep State, and other Silly Lies
“Yup, that's right folks, the weakness of the fascist is his own stupidity.”
Caught in the Act
“Caught in the act of giving birth to a new oil-paint earth of no set design, you will lie there dying.”
New Deal, Old Science
Current Big Green proposals for a Green New Deal are coalescing around inadequate targets.
Imbolc Musings
And yet the wheel turns. Hermeticism tells us nothing stands still. The principle of rhythm is ever in effect. The cycles of nature are no different. Whether you follow the wheel of the year or not, whether you believe in it wholeheartedly or see it as a modern creation, there can be no denying that nature moves in cycles.
EMPIRES CRUMBLE, EPISODE 9: Globalization & Globalism
The ninth episode of Empires Crumble, from Alley Valkyrie & Rhyd Wildermuth
Watership Down, yer missin’ the point
On Watership Down’s change from 1978 to 2018, Druids, bio-purism and radical feminism.