Corporatism, Paganism, Workers' Rights John Halstead Corporatism, Paganism, Workers' Rights John Halstead

"Standard in the Industry": Patheos and Normalizing Corporate Abuse

It’s a problem when we think we have no power in dealing with corporations. That’s what the words “standard in the industry” and “boilerplate” are meant to do. They’re meant to make us feel powerless. But we do have power. We have power when we are informed. We have power when we use our voices, and when we use our feet. We have power when we act together.

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Paganism, Stories lornasmithers Paganism, Stories lornasmithers

The Unopened Door

“Remember, remember, what's behind that door? There's a reason we have to keep it shut, I'm sure." A wonderful contemporary interpretation based on one of the stories in the ancient Mabinogion.

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Gods, Politics, Struggle Christopher Scott Thompson Gods, Politics, Struggle Christopher Scott Thompson


"Solidarity is a type of love, not based on personal history or affinity but on the simple act of standing together as comrades even though you might have almost nothing else in common."

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