Jumping the Gap: Where Green Transphobia Leads

While a genderless society might be the ideal, we don’t live in that society, and until we do, opposing trans rights won’t help us get there. Gender is a social construction, but if we try to eliminate the category of gender outright, then the experience of transgender people living in a cis-normative society is erased.

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Colonialism, Editorial, Decolonization Mirna Wabi-Sabi Colonialism, Editorial, Decolonization Mirna Wabi-Sabi

Lula and the Yanomami: Uproar Over Photos in Brazil

Indigenous peoples have endured rampant assault, starvation and murder for hundreds of years, the fraction which survived are still enduring this paradigm, and the last 4 years are not single-handedly responsible for the injustices these peoples have been faced with, only for allowing business to go on as usual.

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Article, Community Emma Kathryn Article, Community Emma Kathryn

Finding Solace, Finding Strength

It’s tiring though, isn’t it. These issues are ones that we should all be concerned about, are not unique to the UK and are a symptom of capitalism, particularly when the plebs get a bit lairy. I think what can be most tiring is the feeling of uselessness so many of us have.

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Domestication, Paganism, Rewilding John Halstead Domestication, Paganism, Rewilding John Halstead

The Original Heresy: Homesickness, Civilization, and Transcendental Religion (part 2)

To be pagan is nothing more and nothing less than to be fully human, fully human in a more-than-human world. The alienating forces of civilization—including Christianity, yes, but also capitalism, industrialism, the Enlightenment, and patriarchy—have divided us from ourselves, from each other, and from the more-than-human world. The work of being pagan today, then, is to reclaim our humanity.

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Anarchism, Land, Paganism, Polytheism, Rewilding John Halstead Anarchism, Land, Paganism, Polytheism, Rewilding John Halstead

The Original Heresy: Homesickness, Civilization, and Transcendental Religion (part 1)

The original heresy is the belief that the earth is not our home, that our real life is somewhere else—whether in heaven or a future technotopia. We embrace this heresy to make sense of that nagging feeling that something is wrong with the world itself. But the real reason we feel this way is because civilization alienates us from everything that makes us human.

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Emma Porter Emma Porter

Seasons Greetings ~ Robin Folklore

If you have seen a robin in your garden quite frequently, then the chances are it will be the same robin each time, as they are highly territorial and will see off any rivals eyeing up his territory.

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