Spring Courses on Green Witchcraft, Land-connection, and Paganism

Below are our Spring 2023 course offerings through Gods&Radicals Press, Académie Hérètique, and Ritona. Enrollment for all of our courses are sliding-scale, and you can also apply discount code GREEN for another 20% off.

Five Principles of Green Witchcraft, with Asa West: Begins 23 February

Land—Loss & Reconnection, with Alley Valkyrie: Begins 11 March, 2023

Being Pagan, with Rhyd Wildermuth: Begins 9 April, 2023

Click on each image or link for complete course descriptions.


Starts 23 February

In an era of climate change and late capitalism, when everything sacred is paved over or commodified, how do you attune yourself to the rhythms of nature? How do you listen for—and hear—the language of the land on which you live? How do you push your magical practice beyond rote rituals into true communion with the spirits around you?

Using ritual, trance, spellwork, and lots of time in nature, this 5-week course will explore what it means to practice authentic green witchcraft. We'll use the lenses of unity, liminality, embodiment, reciprocity, and silence to explore animism, folk deities, wortcunning, and other aspects of this deep and joyful path.

The course is divided into five parts, each focusing on one of the core principles of Green Witchcraft.

LAND: LOSS & RECONNECTION, with Alley Valkyrie
Starts 11 March

Land is how we live. We live on the land, we live because of land, and when we die we go back into the land.

Yet land, in our modern capitalist dystopia, is often the farthest thing from our mind. Few of us even have access to land—everywhere it is fenced off, paved over, gated, polluted, and destroyed.

How did it come to this? How did the notion of private property come about? Why were so many people displaced from the land through enclosures, the transatlantic slave trade, and brutal colonization?

And what has this done to us?

In this six week online course, writer, artist, and Gods&Radicals co-founder Alley Valkyrie will lead you through the history and meaning of land, illuminate the processes and politics that caused our separation from land, and guide you to spiritual reconnection and political reclamation of the land beneath our feet.

with Rhyd Wildermuth
Starts 9 April

In a world of uncertainty, political upheaval, climate change, and endless consumerism, and in alienated societies bereft of meaning and connection to nature or community, what does it mean to be Pagan?

This course, developed and instructed by Druid, writer, and Gods&Radicals Press co-founder Rhyd Wildermuth, explores the core beliefs and practices of Pagan and animist belief to guide the participant into re-enchanting their worlds and reconnecting to ancient currents that have never truly gone away.

Through readings, videos, and group discussions, we’ll look at the 9 threads of connection essential to not just calling oneself Pagan but actually being Pagan.

COURSE: Being Pagan, instructed by Rhyd Wildermuth (MAY 2023)
from $90.00


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