Book Review: Like Water
by James Lindenschmidt: Like Water is a story about my tribe, my comrades. The reality of police brutality, violence, and murder of civilians on the streets is foregrounded in the story, but the novel never comes across as preachy or even judgmental. The fact is, these characters must endure, each in their own way, in the aftermath of state-sanctioned murder.
A Radical Pagan Pope?
While the Pope comes to many right conclusions about anthropogenic climate change and the limits of capitalism, his environmental encyclical is nevertheless plagued by a lingering anthropocentrism which he never manages to root out.
Ragnarök, The Magic Of Capitalism, & The Transformation of Consciousness
From James Lindenschmidt: " The world is seen through the lens of quantification, reduced to a mere number, and capitalist wizards work their arcane lore to manipulate these numbers to their favour, manifesting their will to profit in the real world."
The Roots of Our Resistance
From Rhyd Wildermuth: " Rootless people are easily controlled and coerced, people without the stories, myths, and spirits of a place have nowhere to turn beside the market for the creation of their meaning."
Debt, Stories, & The Violence Of Silence
From James Lindenschmidt: "Debt underlies all aspects of class struggle. Since the destruction of the Commons, there is no other possibility for most people to subsist and reproduce their lives."
Death and Taxes: Real and Artificial Scarcities from an Eco-Psychological Perspective
From the time I woke up until I went to bed, there was the fear. It was the fear that there is not enough.
Pagans Are A Conquered People
From James Lindenschmidt: "It doesn't matter what kind of Pagan you are, which specific tradition, subculture, or set of Pagan values you embrace, we Pagans are a conquered people."