RITONA // A Beautiful Resistance
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Gods&Radicals—A Site of Beautiful Resistance.

Posts tagged community
Tree Folklore for The Spirit Season

Trees are symbols of this cycle, of this ever turning wheel. They signify the seasons, and show the incremental changes that occur as the wheel creaks ever onwards; the blossom of spring, the lush green of early summer, the fruits of late summer and early autumn. The dramatic colour show and loss that mark late autumn and the bare branches and evergreens of winter.

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On Community, Solidarity & The Passing of Greatness

So what does this mean when it comes to community building and forging solidarity links? Quite simply it means that you must be willing to take action of some sort. The time for such is now. And if there’s nothing happening in your neighbourhood or town, then you must be willing to step forward, to create the narrative you want to see. It may be scary but you must try and you might well be surprised with the outcome.

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On Plants

Yellows, purples and deep blues flit by, easily missed by most, or seen and unseen, scenery and nothing more. The beauty of the wildflowers, their existence forgotten if noticed at all and all before they’ve disappeared from view. All of this glimpsed as I stare out the window, seeking something other than the endless roads stretching ahead lined with traffic spewing fumes, the endless grey of industry and business.

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A Standing Rock Story Part 2

"We [White people] have no sense of shared identity with our neighbors, and no sense of shared purpose. We have no notion that our wellbeing is tied up with that of the people we live next to or share a building with. It is the ultimate in alienation. So much else flows from that." (From Eli Sterling)

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