Blood... or Soil? Fascism, Leftism, and the Coming Food Crises
During the coming food production crises, unless the left also attempts to organize rural populations and farming communities, it will be the fascists determining who in the cities gets to eat.
New Deal, Old Science
Current Big Green proposals for a Green New Deal are coalescing around inadequate targets.
"What If It's Already Too Late?": Being an Activist in the Anthropocene
We're f**ked. Now what?
Global Warming: The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy”
“There's a real dark side of the kind of paganism — the secular elites' religion now — being evidently global warming.” K. H. White, Trump's nominee for White House Council on Environmental Policy
The Wyrd of the Weorld is to be Mere-Deap: The Return to Mythic Time
There is a feeling of strangeness that has come over the world. We have a sense, scarcely articulated, that something is coming. And that the world we have become familiar over hundreds of years of capitalism and industrialism, has suddenly become surreal and bizarre. We suddenly become aware of the shadow that walks alongside us.
Our Disabled and Climate Changed Futures
Two things are inevitable: the climate is changing and we are all becoming disabled.