End of the Year Sale

Until 1 September, 2023
Save 20% off print books
Save 30% off digital books

We’ve reduced the prices of all our titles for the summer — no discount code required!

Scroll down to view details and ordering information for each of our offerings.

To order, select your option and “add to cart.”

When you are ready to checkout, click on the cart icon (located at the top left on web browsers or in the pull down menu on mobile versions).

Faunalia, by Alice Fulmer

Available in print (digital coming soon). Released 1 May, 2023

Poems of lush desire and verdant cityscapes from Alice Fulmer.

Faunalia, by Alice Fulmer

The White Deer, by Melinda Reidinger

Released 1 March, 2023

Available in Hardcover, Paperback, Digital. Click the link for package information.

The White Deer, by Melinda Reidinger
from $22.50

The Secret of Crossings, by Rhyd Wildermuth

Available in print and digital (release date 1 December, 2022)

The latest essay collection from Rhyd Wildermuth, featuring 25 essays—most never released publicly.

(Click the link for package information.)

The Secret of Crossings, by Rhyd Wildermuth
from $17.50

Courting the Wild Queen, By Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue

Available in Print or Digital

A deeply poetic exploration of the ancient and modern world through the mythic and the ecological.

(Click the link for package information.)

Courting The Wild Queen, by Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue.
from $16.00

Being Pagan, by Rhyd Wildermuth

Available in Print or Digital

A guide to re-enchant your life, from druid, theorist, and Gods&Radicals director Rhyd Wildermuth.

(Click the link for package information.)

Being Pagan, by Rhyd Wildermuth
from $17.50

Reclaiming Food, by Emma Kathryn

Available in Print or Digital

Core recipes and cooking skills for reclaiming your food security, from the author of Reclaiming Ourselves.

(Click the link for package information.)

Reclaiming Food, by Emma Kathryn
from $14.00

The Book of Onei, by Christopher Scott Thompson

Available in Print or Digital

An antinomian dream grimoire from the author of the popular Pagan Anarchism.

(Click the link for package information.)

The Book of Onei, by Christopher Scott Thompson
from $15.00

If In Ruins We Must Live, by Christopher Scott Thompson

Available in Print or Digital

A collection of poems from the author of the popular Pagan Anarchism

(Click the link for package information.)

If In Ruins We Must Live (poems), by Christopher Scott Thompson
from $8.00

Baedd and Other Poems, by Tym Gwynne

Available in Print or Digital

Poems of longing and unshakeable relation to nature

Baedd And Other Poems, by Twm Gwynne

The Provisioner, by Rhyd Wildermuth

Available in Print or Digital

Our first fiction release; a man blessed and cursed with foresight is forced to use his skill to hunt the last wolf on earth.

(Click the link for package information.)

The Provisioner, by Rhyd Wildermuth
from $14.00

Reclaiming Ourselves, by Emma Kathryn

Available in Print or Digital

With engaging and direct prose, Emma Kathryn leads the reader to a deeper connection to the land, to community, and to themselves.

Reclaiming Ourselves, by Emma Kathryn

Five Principles of Green Witchcraft, by Asa West

Available in Print or Digital

A reprint of a wildly popular and sold-out zine, a simple guide to the foundations of Green witchcraft

A Beautiful Resistance: After Empire

Available in Print or Digital

The fifth issue of our journal, featuring poetry, essay, and art on the topic of what will come after collapse.

Also available as a journal collection (all five published issues), which is the only way to purchase print copies of out-of-print previous Issues.

A Beautiful Resistance 5: After Empire
from $30.00

Pagan Anarchism, by Christopher Scott Thompson

Available in Print; new Digital and Kindle editions coming soon

Our most popular book, an ideal introduction both to anarchism and paganism.

Pagan Anarchism, By Christopher Scott Thompson

Solidarity Networks & Emergency Survival

Available in Print or Digital

Our two most popular essays (45,000 views total) now in booklet form. A guide for activists and everyone else.

The Dead Hermes Epistolary, by Slippery Elm

Available in Print or Digital

From poet and trickster Slippery Elm, a deep look at Language, Permaculture, and History as a treasury of magic.

(Click the link for package information.)

The Dead Hermes Epistolary, by Slippery Elm
from $17.50

Gatherer of Souls by Lorna Smithers

Available in Print or Digital

Poems and mythic prose for Gwyn Ap Nudd

(Click the link for package information.)

Gatherer of Souls, by Lorna Smithers
from $15.00

The Broken Cauldron by Lorna Smithers

Available in Print or Digital

A retelling of the Arthurian myths with the voices of the defeated

(Click the link for package information.)

The Broken Cauldron, by Lorna Smitthers
from $15.00

Enchanting the Shadowlands by Lorna Smithers

Available in Print or Digital

Lorna Smithers’ first collection of prose and poetry in an updated version.

(Click the link for package information.)

Enchanting the Shadowlands, by Lorna Smithers
from $15.00

In The Midnight Hour, by Anthony Rella

Available in Print or Digital

A collection of essays from a licensed therapist to help readers find power, balance, and joy in difficult emotions.

(Click the link for package information.)

In the Midnight Hour (Finding Power In Difficult Emotions), by Anthony Rella
from $7.00

We Live in the Orbit of Beings Greater Than Us

Available in Print or Digital

From popular podcaster Patrick Farnsworth, a collection of 29 interviews on climate change and cultural survival.

(Click the link for package information.)

True To The Earth, by Kadmus

Available in Print or Digital

For readers seeking deeper material on a Pagan worldview, engagingly written by a professor of philosophy

(Click the link for package information.)

True To The Earth: Pagan Political Theology, by Kadmus
from $15.00

All That Is Sacred Is Profaned, by Rhyd Wildermuth

Available in Print or Digital

A highly-accessible guide to Marxist and anti-capitalist theory from a Pagan and Animist perspective.

Gods-Speaking, by Judith O’GradY

Available in Print or Digital

A beautiful and witty druidic work on becoming connected to land, spirits, and the gods.

(Click the link for package information.)

from $10.00

Circling The Star, by Anthony Rella

Available in Print or Digital

A self-help book for witches and others based on the esoteric philosophy of the Iron Pentacle.

Circling the Star, By Anthony Rella

Witches in a Crumbling Empire, by Rhyd Wildermuth

Available in Print or Digital

A popular collection of essays, prose, and poems about the collapse of Empire and what we can do about it.

(Click the link for package information.)

Witches in a Crumbling Empire, By Rhyd Wildermuth
from $15.00

A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer, by Alley Valkyrie & Rhyd Wildermuth

Available in Print

A very popular reprint of the zine which started an entire movement.

A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer

Of Monsters and Miso, by Alley Valkyrie

Available in Print

12 amazing recipes, 12 adorable monsters. Duplex: In English et en français

(Click the link for package information.)

Of Monsters and Miso
from $12.50

Full Print Library: 31 Books

Buy every book we’ve ever published (including the first four otherwise out-of-print issues of A Beautiful Resistance)


Limited edition t-shirts (very few sizes left)

T-shirt: Seize the Means of the Production of Meaning

“Seize the Means of the Production of Meaning” t-shirt.

Printed in Oregon with water-based inks (no petrochemicals). Design has a softer feel than plastisol inks.

100% cotton, unisex fitted t-shirt (please order one size up if you prefer a looser fit).

Color: heather black.

Size range: S/M/L/XL/XXL

Currently ships only within the United States, sorry!

Quick View


“Wouldst thou like to Lift Deliciously?”

Forging and reclaiming your body is an act of resistance. Also, lifting is fun!

This lightweight tri-blend t-shirt is high-wicking and soft, specifically designed as a work-out shirt (but you can wear it whenever).

No sweatshop labor was used in the production of the shirts. Concept by Nicholas Grahm, design by Casandra Johns, printed with water-based inks (lasts longer than regular screen prints) in Oregon, USA.

Fitted; consider ordering a size up if you prefer a looser fit.

Color: Solid Black

DISTRIBUTION: We can do shipping to US only. Please note, shipping outside the US is quite expensive. Email us at distro@abeautifulresistance.com for a shipping quote outside the US.

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When you have finished shopping, go to the cart icon (top left on web versions of the site or at the bottom of the pull-down menu on mobile versions).

Remember to use code 2022 at checkout


The Power of Words: A Brief Exploration of Language in Magic


The Point of Contention of Brazil’s 2022 Presidential Elections