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On January, 2021, Gods&Radicals Press launched a new member program for our readers who wish to support our work, read more in-depth essays, and get access to advanced and exclusive media and digital downloads.

Another World is our new monthly online journal, featuring essays, music reviews, author interviews, free digital downloads, audio and video essays, and advance looks at upcoming work.

Another World is available only to monthly and permanent supporting members. Subscriptions also include discounts on our books and free enrolment in Académie Hérèretique courses. And subscriptions help us pay our writers and editors to help us bring even more beautiful resistance to the public.

To become a supporting member, you have Several subscription options

Monthly (8 US/month): Subscription includes access to our exclusive monthly journal, one free digital book download per month, one free course enrollment per year, and 10% off all purchases.

Permanent ($200 one-time or 12 monthly payments of $20): Subscription includes access to our exclusive monthly journal, access to our entire digital catalog, free course enrollment throughout the year, and free shipping on all purchases.

Choose your subscription plan below. Once you have signed-up, you can return to this page or click “my account” to access your benefits and exclusive areas.

Please make sure to click “allow marketing” at sign-up, as you will receive monthly emails from us with Another World updates.

Monthly Supporters

(locks in $8/month rate for the duration of your membership):

Monthly Supporters
Every month

Permanent Supporter Sign-up

$200 one-time or $20/month for 12 months

Permanent Supporters
One time
For 12 months