Poetry crowjudith Poetry crowjudith

BLM Invocation

Sojourner Truth, come lead us please,

Out of the dark canyon of fear.

We are beset by enemies,

We want you for our brigadier.

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Poetry Gods&Radicals Poetry Gods&Radicals


I am reminded of those who, believe it or not,

with no awe, reverence or kinship feel like trashing it all

preaching on the divine...

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Review Emma Kathryn Review Emma Kathryn

Becoming Iconoclastic - A Review of Feral Iconoclasm

We are rediscovering that we have always been wild, we are remembering the power we have. We are reforming and building bonds with those like us, who no longer wish to be tame, who no longer wish to accept the injustices of this world that favours money over all else. We are ‘agents against history’. We are ’unbinding a supposedly bound totality’. We are becoming iconoclastic.

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Anarchism, Domestication John Halstead Anarchism, Domestication John Halstead

What Midwives Taught Me About Anarchism (Anarchism for Civilians series)

Though they’re often used synonymously, civilization is not the same thing as culture. Many of the things that are attributed to civilization, such as art and healing, existed before civilization and outside of states. And many of the lauded “improvements” brought by civilization were not really improvements, or else they were improvements which came at a terrible cost.

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DIY Emma Kathryn DIY Emma Kathryn

Adventures in Wine Making

Wine making is pure magic, the kind akin to cooking. I make several types of wine each year, indeed it is one of the easiest things I make and yet perhaps the one that people think is the hardest, perhaps they too think it’s a kind of magic, one that’s out of their grasp, but I’m here to tell you everyone should try the art of fermentation at least once in their lives.

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Rhyd Wildermuth Rhyd Wildermuth

Reclaiming the Body of the Witch: a review of Beyond the Periphery of the Skin from Silvia Federici

While Caliban and the Witch told us the story of how bodies were subjugated and how we became separated from our bodies, her latest book, Beyond the Periphery of the Skin—Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism, addresses how our relations to the body play out now, especially in the digital age where the cyborg (half human, half machine) has replaced the earlier mechanistic model of the body-as-machine.

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