The Witch and their Community as magical-political activism
“there are several ways to practice magical activism, and one of the most important is to build, feed and protect the communities we are a part of.”
I am reminded of those who, believe it or not,
with no awe, reverence or kinship feel like trashing it all
preaching on the divine...
The Problem of Klan Denialism Among Leftists
It’s easier to think it’s the other, those ‘bad apples’, because we don’t want to come to realization that pretty much every white American is unprepared for what it really means for their Nation to give up being a world power fueled by racial injustice.
Existing Within Death
I can clearly remember the moment when I realized what I was doing, the moment when I was able to let go, to stop trying to fight Death.
What Pirates Taught Me About Anarchism (Anarchism for Civilians series)
Civilized societies are not less violent than non-civilized societies–-though they may appear to be the more privileged citizens. One of the defining characteristics of civilization is the depersonalization of violence.
Becoming Iconoclastic - A Review of Feral Iconoclasm
We are rediscovering that we have always been wild, we are remembering the power we have. We are reforming and building bonds with those like us, who no longer wish to be tame, who no longer wish to accept the injustices of this world that favours money over all else. We are ‘agents against history’. We are ’unbinding a supposedly bound totality’. We are becoming iconoclastic.
What Midwives Taught Me About Anarchism (Anarchism for Civilians series)
Though they’re often used synonymously, civilization is not the same thing as culture. Many of the things that are attributed to civilization, such as art and healing, existed before civilization and outside of states. And many of the lauded “improvements” brought by civilization were not really improvements, or else they were improvements which came at a terrible cost.
The Great Wheel: Spectre and Emanation
There will be no final victory, nor defeat. There is only the endless repetitive revolutions of the gyre, which are destined to grow, contract, and begin again in moments of discord and strife.
What Bonobos Taught Me About Anarchism (Anarchism for Civilians series)
According to many biologists, there is as much cooperation in nature as there was competition. The story we have been taught about our innate selfishness is only part of the truth. As such, it is capitalist propaganda, and something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
To Hell or Utopia: The Minneapolis Uprising
“Rather than running off as the police intended, the protesters stood their ground. When they were forced back by tear gas, they advanced again as soon as it cleared. They reclaimed ground repeatedly, and it took the police more than an hour to drive them back. This was only the beginning...”
Open enrollment for the next course from Rhyd Wildermuth
Adventures in Wine Making
Wine making is pure magic, the kind akin to cooking. I make several types of wine each year, indeed it is one of the easiest things I make and yet perhaps the one that people think is the hardest, perhaps they too think it’s a kind of magic, one that’s out of their grasp, but I’m here to tell you everyone should try the art of fermentation at least once in their lives.
Plan of Action
Written by Hamilton Borges, from the REAJA OU SERÁ MORT@ (REACT OR BE KILLED) organization in Brazil.
Reclaiming the Body of the Witch: a review of Beyond the Periphery of the Skin from Silvia Federici
While Caliban and the Witch told us the story of how bodies were subjugated and how we became separated from our bodies, her latest book, Beyond the Periphery of the Skin—Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism, addresses how our relations to the body play out now, especially in the digital age where the cyborg (half human, half machine) has replaced the earlier mechanistic model of the body-as-machine.
What Unitarians Taught Me About Anarchism (Anarchism for Civilians series)
We tend to reject hierarchy instinctually in some parts of our lives, while accepting it uncritically in others. Anarchists strive to eliminate all hierarchy, in every aspect of life.
The Virtual is Death to the Being in Struggle
Solidarity is not the same as this insane movement of taking photos with the donation of a food aid basket and leaving the subject served by this charity for the flies.
A binary society: Hegel’s dialectic in a capitalist world
While the master position presents debt as liberating — one can invest the money wisely, pay for education, strive to make a living — it is the ultimate mechanism of economic slavery.
A History of News and Justice in the Americas
“The murders of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, and the attack against Christian Cooper. Do these specific cases, whose punishments rely on the chance of someone recording at the right place and time, shake the foundations of our structurally racist society?”
Degrassing and Recycling
The point of this essay, apart from pushing for everyone with a yard to degrass and plant useful things, is to demonstrate that I have made a start already in preparation for a projected New World that may come into being when the Pandemic is over.