View From a Window
The grim realities of the capitalist system could not be clearer right now in the United States. The sudden disappearance of labor has caused the entire economy to go into crisis overnight, for one simple reason that should have been obvious all along: all value comes from labor.
The Systemic Changes Needed to Combat Hunger (During a Pandemic)
The cultural impact of ultra-processed foods is “a consequence of the desire to consume more and more as to create the sensation of belonging to a more modern and superior culture." With this, late stage capitalism has changed the concept of poverty and hunger.
What comes after COVID-19? What will our world look like? And how can we make a more beautiful world in the ruins of this crumbling empire?
While leftists craft ridiculous conspiracy theories, some people are literally conspiring to keep us alive.
Peasant Food
It’s in this time where the fact that we’ve forgotten how to actually cook, to actually make the most of the food we have, becomes most glaringly obvious, and indeed a surprise. When I talk about how to cook, I don’t necessarily mean the following of a recipe to create a nice meal, but to actually make something using what we already have and what is available to us. This type of cooking is akin to magic.
The Great Middle Class Housing Scam, or The Whale
The status Q needs that middle-class to believe that the system works for them.
Course: Circling The Star (with Anthony Rella)--Sliding Scale
Pay-What-You-Can course starts 5 April
Are human bodies disposable? Do you use them and then throw them away? Do bodies lying on the ground covered in blood cause as much damage as the plastic thrown into the ocean? If this is the problem; how many must die for the problem to be solved? Do blacks naturally have a short life span?
Pandemics and the State of Exception
Authoritarianism isn’t the exception, it’s the rule, and only our “Western” self-deception has allowed us to think otherwise.
The best thing about social distancing is gardening naked, and privilege
Feeling unworthy of dignity has put many people on a perpetual state of vulnerability, starting much before this outbreak, and continuing well after this whole thing blows over.
On Nature and Witchcraft
There is a magic in nature, one that cannot be described by words alone. It is a soul deep feeling that nourishes and makes us strong. Losing that feeling, disconnecting from that nature is the root of many of today’s problems. It is what makes us use and abuse the planet, the environment, animals and other humans. We forget that all is connected, that there is one whole and whilst we all may be separate, individuals, we are also all connected. Destroy one part and we destroy ourselves.
The Cauldron of Poetry
“Unlike most other mystical works, the Three Cauldrons text teaches the practitioner to embrace emotion and use it to activate spiritual power rather than denying or dissociating from it.”
Coronavirus + Capitalism = Sad Face: Why the American Capitalist System Will Make the Coming Coronavirus Pandemic Worse
When the rich and our politicians let us down, we only have each other to rely upon to get through the dark times.
How to Hijack National Identity
People of color are the ones who need to deal with the question “Where are you really from?" Unless you want to start asking this question to white people, you shouldn't be asking it at all.
On Being Kind
As I await my ride into work, I close my eyes and breathe deeply, imagining how easy it would be to just hide myself away from the world of man and stay in this, what feels like the real world, the one that makes sense. But alas, the moment must come to an end and I must head out to work, into the world of mindless chatter, gossip, of money and bills and all of the other worries and vexations that come with this life, But still, even in the most stressful moments I can close my eyes and breathe deeply, remembering the scent of the early morning garden, the feel of it. More and more I find myself doing this for the world most think of as the real world is dull and lacking, full of hypocrisy that heavies the heart and deadens the soul.
I Watched Pantheacon Die
It isn't like Pantheacon dying is going to make three wolf moon t-shirts go away. Or books offering native spirituality as a product.