lornasmithers lornasmithers

There is a Rowan

They are searching
for the ones who have eaten
the stars set their tongues alight

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Uncategorized, Paganism Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Paganism Christopher Scott Thompson

Renewing the Pact

“Given the crisis the world presently faces, the most potent form of offering may be action in the world: mutual aid and solidarity, direct action against injustice or climate change, and so on. The Renewal of the Pact will require more than symbolism.”

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Article, Community Emma Kathryn Article, Community Emma Kathryn

On Community, Solidarity & The Passing of Greatness

So what does this mean when it comes to community building and forging solidarity links? Quite simply it means that you must be willing to take action of some sort. The time for such is now. And if there’s nothing happening in your neighbourhood or town, then you must be willing to step forward, to create the narrative you want to see. It may be scary but you must try and you might well be surprised with the outcome.

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Mythology Emma Kathryn Mythology Emma Kathryn

At the Crossroads

The crossroads are a symbol found in most cultures, signifying the many possibilities, the many choices and the spaces in between. They are steeped in mystery and folklore, the place where two or more roads intersect is a liminal space, a no man’s land belonging to no person.

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Animism, Gods, Polytheism, Paganism crowjudith Animism, Gods, Polytheism, Paganism crowjudith

An Excerpt from ‘Gods-Speaking’

Gods&Radicals published a book I have written: three linked essays about trancing, speaking to the Gods and hearing a response, and being a Believer/Animist. I wrote these essays with taken-by-me photos as part of the story but publishing, alas, puts an unacceptable price on photographs and they had to be left out when we came to it. Here they are-

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Article, Land, re-enchantment Emma Kathryn Article, Land, re-enchantment Emma Kathryn

On Time

I awoke early as I often do, whilst everyone else still slept. Even my old girl kept her eyes closed as I crept from the bed, snuggling back beneath the covers for a while longer. I went downstairs, avoiding the boards that creak and the steps that groan, a hangover from the days when my babes were indeed still babes.

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Uncategorized, Paganism Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Paganism Christopher Scott Thompson

The Broken Pact

“What kind of people govern us now? Are they generous? Are they just? If the rulers are guilty of injustice and mistreatment, if their rule does not bring prosperity for all, if they mistreat the Land, the Sea, and the Sky, then they have lost the Sovereignty and have no authority.”

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Magic, Paganism, Witchcraft Emma Kathryn Magic, Paganism, Witchcraft Emma Kathryn


Like witches the world over, the Obeah practitioner is often viewed with both fear and awe, a part of the community, but separate from it as well. Despite the negativity in which we are often viewed, us witches are always there, ready to help when our help is needed. When there is no one else to turn to, the Obeah woman will be there waiting.

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