Where the Sidewalk Cracks, Part 2: Interstitial Insurrection
There are cracks in the capitalist hegemony. And the life that grows there is both fragile and resilient, like a dandelion, both common and mysterious. It is irreducible to mathematical formulae or objectifying language. It is uncontrollable, wild. It is ubiquitous, and yet practically invisible to capitalist eyes. These cracks are the spaces which emerges when two or more people connect and form a relationship free from exploitation and domination.
Where the Sidewalk Cracks, Part 1: Ricochet Resistance
"I was amazed how a BLM protest could end up creating the conditions for a counter-protest and possibly even politicizing a group of people who may have never engaged in a political demonstration otherwise. While everyone was congratulating me on a great event, I was privately wondering if the most significant impact we had was to energize and mobilize people on the opposite side who might otherwise have stayed home. That was the last demonstration I organized. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to make sense of what happened."
“We are obliged to build a New Belarus!”: Reports from Belarusian exiles in Poland
Faith in the democratic system is eroding not only in Belarus, but also in the United States and other places around the globe. The principles of ‘Freedom' America sought to defend for almost a century revealed to be a shortcoming in their own territory, and not exclusive to 2nd and 3rd world authoritarian governments.
The Shape of Things to Come
“These men were scared, although what they were scared of was far from clear. They were defending a statue, although they had done nothing to defend it while it was still possible to save it. The scene on their end was empty theater, the meaningless display of a now impotent power.”
Why I Stopped Protesting and Started a Garden
Certain gardens are not retreats, but attacks—attacks on the kind of world that says it is meaningless to do something so small, so local, so specific.
Riot Review of 2019: Resistance and The Western Gaze
This piece won’t have the pretence of analyzing the myriad of global uprisings and their effectiveness. It will deal critically with the Western gaze over Southern and Eastern movements — without promoting deradicalization. […] More often than not, mass media has been used to manipulate public opinion, and we must be critical, above all, of that which seems to have been catered for us.