The Beauty of Trump
"What we get to see with Trump is that capitalism has nowhere to go other than into the darker reaches of itself." From Charles Liburd
Sucking up to the boss: Trump as an Archetype
Jonathan Woolley, on Trump as the big-daddy boss archetype.
Fanon’s Death and the Ever-Expanding Global American Periphery
[Fanon] has taught us well, that it is not through kindness, asking please, begging for crumbs and simply pointing out injustices that we will overcome our condition as colonized peoples. And most importantly, it is not through the reproduction of the oppressor’s tactics that we will regain our humanity.
Who Watches the Watchmen?
“These deaths were simultaneously brutal and surreal, horrific and childishly ridiculous. The modern face of fascism is a killer in a clownish Viking outfit, face painted and howling in mindless joy because he did something to get noticed.”
Class Reductionism and White Identity Politics in a Post-Trump America
Just when White America is starting to wake up to its privilege, to its complicity, and yes, to its guilt and shame, voices on the Left are calling us away from a race-centered analysis.
Though this is not the future we were promised nor the progress we were hoping for, this was always the only future that was ever possible for our industrialized civilizations.
How the Discordian Society created the Deep State, and other Silly Lies
“Yup, that's right folks, the weakness of the fascist is his own stupidity.”
When They Bought Us Out
From Shane Burley: "white supremacy exists not external to the class, but as a perversion of its own interests."
Global Warming: The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy”
“There's a real dark side of the kind of paganism — the secular elites' religion now — being evidently global warming.” K. H. White, Trump's nominee for White House Council on Environmental Policy
Trump: The Living Corporation
The person occupying the White House is not human, but is in fact a corporation. A living corporation, The Trump Organization has found itself a body...
Donald Trump & The Babbler in the Void
From GG Irkalla: We must recognize that we are not dealing with a politician. We are dealing with a warlord, and we are at war.