Gods, History, Literature, Long-Form Essay, Paganism, Philosophy, Politics, Polytheism, Struggle, Uncategorized kadmus - h 3/30/17 Gods, History, Literature, Long-Form Essay, Paganism, Philosophy, Politics, Polytheism, Struggle, Uncategorized kadmus - h 3/30/17 Rebellion and the Gods "The only appropriate answer to a test of faith is to fail." Read More
Gods, History, Literature, Long-Form Essay, Paganism, Philosophy, Politics, Polytheism, Struggle, Uncategorized kadmus - h 3/30/17 Gods, History, Literature, Long-Form Essay, Paganism, Philosophy, Politics, Polytheism, Struggle, Uncategorized kadmus - h 3/30/17 Rebellion and the Gods "The only appropriate answer to a test of faith is to fail." Read More