Course: Being Pagan

A nine week course on re-enchanting your life, developed and instructed by Rhyd Wildermuth

In a world of uncertainty, political upheaval, climate change, and endless consumerism, and in alienated societies bereft of meaning and connection to nature or community, what does it mean to be Pagan?

This course, developed and instructed by Druid, writer, and Gods&Radicals Press co-founder Rhyd Wildermuth, explores the core beliefs and practices of Pagan and animist belief to guide the participant into re-enchanting their worlds and reconnecting to ancient currents that have never truly gone away.

Through readings, videos, and group discussions, we’ll look at the 9 threads of connection essential to not just calling oneself Pagan but actually being Pagan.

  • Connection to Pagan Time (the rhythms of the moon, of seasons, and of non-linear time)

  • Connection to Body (what it means to be a body, not just have a body)

  • Connection to Land (direct experience with nature and place)

  • Connection to Plants & Animals (deepening our relationship to those who share the earth with us)

  • Connection to the Other (integrating the unconscious, dreams, and the imaginal into the waking world)

  • Connection to Ancestors (becoming grounded in and understanding the people and stories that create us)

  • Connection to Gods and Spirits (understanding, honoring, and being in relationship with those unseen)

  • Connection to Will (reclaiming your agency and enchanting a dis-enchanted world)

This course is ideal both for those new to Paganism as well as those seeking to re-center their beliefs and practices away from capitalist and mass-marketed ideas and towards something deeper.

No prior knowledge or academic experience is required.

General Information

Course Length and Schedule: The course lasts for nine weeks, from 28 June, 2021 to 29 August, 2021

Time Commitment: Participants will be expected to devote a minimum of four hours each week (36 hours total over 9 weeks) to the course. This expectation includes time devoted to reading recommended texts, viewing video lectures, engaging in assigned personal work, and engaging in conversation with other participants.

Cost: Sliding Scale $90-$150. Pay what you are capable of. Monthly and Permanent Supporters may opt to take this course for free.

Maximum participants: 25

Course Requirements: Participants need have no prior knowledge of the course subject nor experience in academic settings. Physical requirements include internet access, a computer or smartphone capable of accessing recommended readings and live video chat discussions, and each participant will need to create a login (free of cost) for Discord.

Course Materials: Each participant will be given a digital copy of the course texts, as well as access to weekly video lectures. In addition, a guide to using the private Discord server for participant discussions will also be provided.

Venue: Weekly course conversations will occur over a dedicated Discord server. In addition, two optional live group video discussions will occur via Zoom.

Course structure: Each week, the instructor will post a short video lecture regarding the week’s topic, and participants will read assigned course texts and engage in recommended personal work. Discord chat discussion will follow in the second half of each week in which participants will reflect with each other and the instructor about the course material and their experiences with the suggested personal work. Two optional live group video discussions will also occur, scheduled during the course to allow as many people to participate as possible.

Cancellation/Refund policy: Full refunds of payment are possible up until the end of the first day of the course.

Other policies: In the very unlikely event that a participant creates a hostile environment for other participants or the instructor, and if attempts to address the behavior do not correct the problem, the instructor reserves the right to end a participant’s participation.

Enrollment process: To enroll, remit payment by purchasing the course access below.


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