Our Spring and Summer Course Schedule, 2021

Académie Hérètique is the course system of Gods&Radicals Press, designed to offer readers deeper experiences with Pagan and anti-capitalist topics in an accessible and affordable way. All of our courses are sliding scale (pay what you can), and are open to participants of whatever experience level with no academic background required.

We’re pleased to announce several new courses for the first half of 2021, with more coming in the second half of the year. Here’s our course schedule and catalogue for the next six months.

Monthly and Permanent Supporters can enroll in courses for free. See this link for more details.

Becoming Wild—The Tools of Resistance, instructed by Emma Kathryn

Starts 16 January, 2021. Enroll by 15 January, 2021

Emma course thumnail.jpg

This four week course, taught by Emma Kathryn, is designed to give participants the basic tools of rebellion and resistance by focusing upon our own resilience outside of the capitalist system. Through video lectures and discussion, we’ll discuss the three cores of resilience:

  • Self-Reliance: through personal and communal work, as well as food security

  • Self-Care: through connection to land, magic, and the body,

  • Defense: through healing and baneful plants, magic, and fighting

    Enroll below (you can hover over the enrollment link for more detailed information about the course).

Circling The Star: The Esoteric Psychology of the Iron Pentacle, instructed by Anthony Rella

Course begins 7 March, 2021. Enroll by 5 March, 2021

What is the relationship between cosmology and psychology? What is a Pagan approach to the tensions and conflicts of the Self? What arises when we embrace our “base” instincts and make them the material of our “divine” work?

Designed and instructed by Anthony Rella, participants of Circling the Star will learn through videos, texts, and online conversations:

  • How braiding Sex, Spirit, and Love brings dignity and depth to our relationships.

  • The relationship between stories about ourselves and the creative Self that is beyond language.

  • Practical methods for bringing more joy, depth, and passion into your life and work.

  • How our experiences of conflict, longing, desire, and disappointment may become keys to our divine work.

Enroll below
(you can hover over the enrollment link for more detailed information about the course).

Five Principles of Green Witchcraft, instructed by Asa West

Using ritual, trance, spellwork, and lots of time in nature, this 5-week course will explore what it means to practice authentic green witchcraft. We'll use the lenses of unity, liminality, embodiment, reciprocity, and silence to explore animism, folk deities, wortcunning, and other aspects of this deep and joyful path.

The course is divided into five parts, each focusing on one of the core principles of Green Witchcraft.

  • The forest speaks with one voice (Animism, the egregore, spirits of place, and attention as magical practice)

  • Twilight precedes starlight (Liminality, starlight vision, hedgeriding, altered states, and magic as harnessing infinite possibility)

  • Witchcraft lives in the body (The 3 selves, virtue, working with deity, moving and manipulating energy)

  • The witch always pays their coin (Reciprocity and balance, devotion versus exploitation, spellwork theory

  • The Goddess reveals herself in silence (Living a witch’s life, the witch’s pyramid, the egregore revisited)


Being Pagan: Re-Enchanting The World, instructed by Rhyd Wildermuth

Through readings, videos, and group discussions, we’ll look at the 9 threads of connection essential to not just calling oneself Pagan but actually being Pagan.

  • Connection to Pagan Time (the rhythms of the moon, of seasons, and of non-linear time)

  • Connection to Body (what it means to be a body, not just have a body)

  • Connection to Land (direct experience with nature and place)

  • Connection to Plants & Animals (deepening our relationship to those who share the earth with us)

  • Connection to the Other (integrating the unconscious, dreams, and the imaginal into the waking world)

  • Connection to Ancestors (becoming grounded in and understanding the people and stories that create us)

  • Connection to Gods and Spirits (understanding, honoring, and being in relationship with those unseen)

  • Connection to Will (reclaiming your agency and enchanting a disenchanted world)

This course is ideal both for those new to Paganism as well as those seeking to re-center their beliefs and practices away from capitalist and mass-marketed ideas and towards something deeper.



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