Uncategorized, Resilience, Mutual Aid Anthony Rella Uncategorized, Resilience, Mutual Aid Anthony Rella

Talking to the Gods Doesn’t Make You Special: Power, Money, and Ethics in Spirituality and Wellness Professions

Whenever you are working with a practitioner who displays only confidence without curiosity, beware. When they only tell you what is true about you without asking you to check it out for yourself, without listening when you disagree, then they have dismissed your own self-authority and self-expertise. How can you trust a person to be accountable to their shadow when they do not accept feedback or accountability?

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Article, Cultural Commentary, Radicals, Violence Mirna Wabi-Sabi Article, Cultural Commentary, Radicals, Violence Mirna Wabi-Sabi

Armenia, an Ancient Civilization shielding against Pan-Turkism

“For many Armenians, today’s reality of ethnic hate and war crimes is a haunting reminder of the past, a second attempt at the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Turkey's involvement in this current war not only included a dark and long history of genocide against the Armenian people during the first World War, but in addition, a geopolitical, economic, and ethnic agenda of Pan-Turkism, the desire to unify all Turkish-speaking nations for the recreation of the Ottoman Empire.”

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Witchcraft Emma Kathryn Witchcraft Emma Kathryn

Magic & Rebellion ~ Obeah

Not a lot is known about Obeah and as a mixed race woman with Caribbean ancestry living in the UK I understand the need and the struggle that comes with learning about different aspects of yourself. But what I love about witchcraft in general and more specifically Obeah is the rebel aspect, the fighting against the oppressors and the status quo. Here then I thought I’d share a little bit about the largely unknown and misaligned practice that is Obeah.

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Uncategorized, Struggle Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Struggle Christopher Scott Thompson

Dancing in Defiance

The purpose of the protest wasn’t only to stop Trump from claiming dictatorial power – it was also part of the ongoing rebellion touched off by the police murder of George Floyd, which happened in a city and state controlled by the Democratic party. As such, the crowd’s chants had as much to do with the George Floyd Rebellion as the 2020 election.

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Poetry, Politics Gods&Radicals Poetry, Politics Gods&Radicals

How to Read the News

If all that is true, Mother, how do you read the news?

If the media is out for its own interests,

Its benefactors and the status quo,

If the news does not give us the truth,

As you seem to uphold,

How do you know what to believe?

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Rhyd Wildermuth Rhyd Wildermuth

Pandemics, Coercion, and the current limits of Anarchism

admitting that much of the current anarchist thinking embraces coercion and power-over will allow anarchists to have more mature and broader conversations about what kind of power-over and coercion is best in times of crisis.

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Politics Gods&Radicals Politics Gods&Radicals

In the Shadows of Election Power

There are forces, powers beyond humans in the more-than-human world, for whom it is always election season. Forest fires in the western United States are casting their votes. A virus that inhabits and moves between our bodies is casting its vote. And the systemic impacts of climate change are casting their votes in myriad ways: through extinction, desertification, and dead ocean zones. Who or what are they voting for?

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Animism Emma Kathryn Animism Emma Kathryn

Atop the Shivering Mountain

There is definitely something about being on a hilltop in autumn, surrounded by mist and the lonely call of the crows. If magic is a feeling, it is this feeling. But then I say the same about the woods, the ocean, the riverside and more. Magic is nature and nature is magic, I guess it really is as simple as that.

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Article, Cultural Commentary, Editorial, Liberation Mirna Wabi-Sabi Article, Cultural Commentary, Editorial, Liberation Mirna Wabi-Sabi

“We are obliged to build a New Belarus!”: Reports from Belarusian exiles in Poland

Faith in the democratic system is eroding not only in Belarus, but also in the United States and other places around the globe. The principles of ‘Freedom' America sought to defend for almost a century revealed to be a shortcoming in their own territory, and not exclusive to 2nd and 3rd world authoritarian governments.

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Land Emma Kathryn Land Emma Kathryn

Samhain Musings ~ Ghosts of the Land

Samhain approaches. We enter the dark. Some hate the passing of the summer but I am ready, though summer already feels like a distant memory. A Ghost. We find ourselves in the twilight of the year, in autumn and already dusk has fallen. We stand on the brink of nightfall and as we head towards Samhain we find ourselves in that liminal time and space where the ghosts feel closer, the nights colder and darker, our moods a little more melancholic.

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Ancestors, Land, History lornasmithers Ancestors, Land, History lornasmithers

Voices from the Water Country

The sites where the heads of ancestors were buried were no doubt seen as especially sacred. As places where the living and the dead, Thisworld and Otherworld, the people and the gods met. Each would have its stories passed down from generation to generation and rituals surrounding it. It is likely that, at liminal times, such as Nos Galan Gaeaf/Samhain, the seers of the Setantii tribe would commune with their dead and their heads would speak again.

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Poetry, Uncategorized Christopher Scott Thompson Poetry, Uncategorized Christopher Scott Thompson


“I’ve lived this life between. Not one, but two. My feet have walked in dream and stepped in blood. I’ve flown so far I know the music of a distant star, and I have slept in mud.”

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