RITONA // A Beautiful Resistance
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Gods&Radicals—A Site of Beautiful Resistance.

Posts tagged healing
Talking to the Gods Doesn’t Make You Special: Power, Money, and Ethics in Spirituality and Wellness Professions

Whenever you are working with a practitioner who displays only confidence without curiosity, beware. When they only tell you what is true about you without asking you to check it out for yourself, without listening when you disagree, then they have dismissed your own self-authority and self-expertise. How can you trust a person to be accountable to their shadow when they do not accept feedback or accountability?

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Reclaiming Ourselves - Food & Medicine: Part 3

I also know what it’s like to struggle to live day to day, and so I’m a believer in making the most of what you have. Exotic plants and ingredients are certainly alluring, but what’s the point of learning to use them if you can’t get hold of them, for whatever reason? It just makes sense to use what you already have or is readily available.

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