On The Path Of Initiation
Once you have started out on the Path, even if you stop partway, you will have triggered a psychic “chain reaction” of sorts that will continue even if you don’t want it to.
Witchcraft: A home of questioning
There is a solitary witch in every wishing well
filling bucket after bucket with life’s blood.
My Pagan Life
“My paganism has passed through several stages: an early attempt to create my own mythology followed by many years of devotion to Celtic deities, a fascination with mysticism, and my ongoing involvement in pagan radicalism. It seems like a good time to take stock of where I’ve been, and of how I ended up where I am today.”
The Old Gods
Mugwort grows here in the summer months, ragwort and wild rose too, the bare skeletons of the latter reach up from the winter grass, the hips bright red like oxgenated blood. The scent of fox urine fills my nose as I enter into the dog foxes territory. It feels like I’ve come home.
The Woodland Realm & The Power Within
All of these things become ingrained, they seep into the land, the streets and so it is no real surprise that these places have their own genius loci. All of the events that are happening now will also become ingrained in those places where they occur. We can affect the spirit of place, our actions. What we do and what we don’t.
Winter Musings ~ Wild Awakening
As we stand on the precipice, our magicks must become wild once more. They must transform to fit the age, as they ever have. We must transform if we are to fight back against the injustices Capitalism forces on nature and on ourselves. Our magicks must become that of dirt, blood and bone.
Ignorant as the Dawn
We are currently seeing the limits inherent in the types of understanding gained through rationality and technics. While there may have been a moment when it could be reasonably argued that new developments in the intellectual products of humanity were oriented towards the improvement of human life, there can now be no doubt that these have facilitated greater levels of immiseration and despair than ever before imagined.
On Nature and Witchcraft
There is a magic in nature, one that cannot be described by words alone. It is a soul deep feeling that nourishes and makes us strong. Losing that feeling, disconnecting from that nature is the root of many of today’s problems. It is what makes us use and abuse the planet, the environment, animals and other humans. We forget that all is connected, that there is one whole and whilst we all may be separate, individuals, we are also all connected. Destroy one part and we destroy ourselves.