Our Books on Kindle

We’ve begun finally offering Gods&Radicals Press and Ritona titles also as Kindle ebooks.

Here is a current list of titles now available, with our entire catalogue coming soon:

The White Deer: Ecospirituality & The Mythic, by Melinda Reidinger

Courting The Wild Queen, by Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue

Pagan Anarchism, by Christopher Scott Thompson

Pagan Anarchism
By Thompson, Christopher Scott
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The Secret of Crossings, by Rhyd Wildermuth

Being Pagan, by Rhyd Wildermuth

The Provisioner, by Rhyd Wildermuth

The Provisioner
By Wildermuth, Rhyd
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Coming Soon:

True to the Earth: Pagan Political Theology, by Kadmus

Reclaiming Ourselves, by Emma Kathryn


Desert Flowers


Connecting with the Genius Loci - Foraging