A New Way to Read A Beautiful Resistance

We’re pleased to announce that A Beautiful Resistance, the Gods&Radicals Press Journal, is now also hosted at Substack. This means that you can now get every essay, poem, and article that we publish sent directly to your email account.

Why Substack?

As you’ve probably noticed if you use social media, Facebook and Twitter have both made it incredibly difficult to get the word out about articles we’ve published. In fact, many of our readers have stated they never see our articles appear in their social media feeds even though they’ve specifically signed up to see them.

On the other hand, writers who have been using Substack—which isn’t a social media company but is rather a newsletter platform—have found readers are much more likely to see their essays. That’s because Substack sends those posts directly to readers’ inboxes, rather than through a social media algorithm.


Nope! Nothing is changing with our website or our online journal. Every new essay, article, poem, and book announcement will continue to be published as normal.

Each article will then be posted also through Substack, so readers who are on our mailing list will get our writing sent directly to their email inbox. You can either read it as an email, or on our Substack site, directly on our primary site, or even the Substack app. And Substack doesn’t own our articles or implement any editorial control over our work.

Does this cost anything?

Nope, neither for you nor for us. Substack sends out our articles for free, and it’s free for you to sign up. In fact, this is another reason why we’re doing this: other options required monthly fees to send out emails to our readers. And while some writers at Substack also offer paid subscriptions, ours will be free.

This is one of our ways of escaping the stranglehold Facebook and Twitter now have over independent writing, and we’re really excited.

How do I sign up?

There are a few ways. First of all, you can use the sign-up below:

Or you can go directly to our Substack at Ritona.Substack.com

Or, if you are already on our mailing list, we’ll be exporting that list to the Substack mirror over the next few days. You’ll receive a sign-up welcome email once we’ve moved the list.

(If you would like to unsubscribe at any time, the link to do so is at the bottom of every email we send out.)


An Ode To The Alehouse or The Decline of the Pub


Upcoming Course: Being Pagan-A guide to re-enchant your life