New Books & Courses!

We’re pleased to announce our course and publishing schedule for the rest of 2021.


Baedd & Other Poems, by Twm Gwynne


Release date: 1 August, 2021 (available for pre-order now)

From poet and writer Twm Gwynne (published in A Beautiful Resistance) comes a short collection of profound poetry inspired by raw life, deep nature, and the spirit in all things..

Baedd And Other Poems, by Twm Gwynne

Course: Becoming Wild: The Tools of Resistance, with Emma Kathryn


Begins 28 August. Enroll by 27 August.

This three week course, taught by Emma Kathryn, is designed to give participants the basic tools of rebellion and resistance by focusing upon our own resilience outside of the capitalist system.


Reclaiming Food, by Emma Kathryn


Release Date: 1 September, 2021 (available for pre-order now)

From Emma Kathryn (author of Reclaiming Ourselves and instructor of Becoming Wild—The Tools of Resistance) comes a uniquely useful and simple guide to something many of us have forgotten we can do for ourselves: cooking.

Reclaiming Food, by Emma Kathryn
from $14.00

Course: Five Principles of Green Witchcraft, with Asa West

Using ritual, trance, spellwork, and lots of time in nature, this 5-week course explores what it means to practice authentic green witchcraft. We'll use the lenses of unity, liminality, embodiment, reciprocity, and silence to explore animism, folk deities, wortcunning, and other aspects of this deep and joyful path.


The Book Of Onei (re-release) and Many Gods, No Masters, from Christopher Scott Thompson

Release date: 1 October. Pre-order begins 15 July.

From the author of the wildly popular Pagan Anarchism comes two releases: a haunting esoteric dream-map for the oneiric explorer, and a collection of poems dancing at the threshold of the urban and the ancient.

Course: Being Pagan, with Rhyd Wildermuth

Begins 2 October. Enroll by 1 October (Please note: the first offering of this course filled up 8 weeks before the start date. Enroll early to ensure your place)

The second installment of a new course developed by Rhyd Wildermuth, exploring the core beliefs and practices of Pagan and animist belief to guide the participant into re-enchanting their worlds and reconnecting to ancient currents that have never truly gone away.

COURSE: Being Pagan, instructed by Rhyd Wildermuth (OCT-NOV 2021)
from $90.00


The White Deer, by Melinda Redinger

Release date: 1 November, 2021. Pre-Order begins 1 September, 2021

A beautiful work on spiritual ecology that chases the white deer through dream and history.

Course: Land—Loss & Reconnection, from Alley Valkyrie

Begins 1 November, 2021. Enroll by 31 October.

In this six week online course, writer, artist, and Gods&Radicals co-founder Alley Valkyrie will lead you through the history and meaning of land, illuminate the processes and politics that caused our separation from land, and guide you to spiritual reconnection and political reclamation of the land beneath our feet.


Being Pagan (book), by Rhyd Wildermuth

Release date: 1 December, 2021 (pre-order begins 15 September, 2021)

Based on his popular course of the same name, Being Pagan explores the core beliefs and practices of Pagan and animism into re-enchanting their worlds and reconnecting to ancient currents that have never truly gone away.

Other Upcoming Books

Faunalia, by Elias Fulmer (publication date to be announced):

a collection of revolutionary magical-realist poems.

Courting The Wild Queen, by Sean Padraig O’Donoghue (publication date to be announced).

From the author of The Forest Reminds Us Who We Are (North Atlantic Books) comes a guide through myth, history, and the forests to embracing the spirit of Wildness and magic, and the gods and goddesses who dwell there.


The Elements of Man: A Mythic Framework for Masculinity


“Savagery” in Guatemala stems from U.S. foreign policy – not Mayan civilization