
Gods&Radicals Press is pleased to announce our publishing schedule for the rest of 2020.

Five Principles of Green Witchcraft, By Asa West

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Gods&Radicals Press is thrilled to re-publish Asa West’s popular booklet, Five Principles of Green Witchcraft.

In an era of climate change and late capitalism, when everything sacred is paved over or commodified, how do you attune yourself to the rhythms of nature? How do you listen for—and hear—the language of the land on which you live? How do you push your magical practice beyond rote rituals into true communion with the spirits around you?

This short book explores green witchcraft through the lens of five principles:

1. The Forest Speaks with One Voice (unity)
2. Twilight Precedes Starlight (liminality)
3. Witchcraft Lives in the Body (embodiment)
4. The Witch Always Pays Her Coin (reciprocity)
5. The Goddess Reveals Herself in Silence (silence)

Five Principles of Green Witchcraft will be released 15 September, 2020. Pre-order is available now at the product link below. Or hover over the link for more book information.

A Beautiful Resistance: After Empire

Gods&Radicals Press is very happy to announce After Empire, the fifth issue of our print journal, A Beautiful Resistance.

A Beautiful Resistance: After Empire explores the truths we are all beginning to understand, the whispers on the plague winds, the portents in the polluted sky, the omens in the failing harvests and the chthonic call in the rising seas. Everywhere we look we see it: Empire is ending.

But no Empire ends politely nor quietly, nor do the torturous forms of their control merely disappear with them. Centuries of oppression, of discipline, of the shaping of our thoughts and dreams will not merely go away when the Capitols and Capital no longer exert their mythic power over our lives.

A Beautiful Resistance: After Empire is a ritual work of re-imagining, a revel and a parade back into the wilds of our own dreaming, our own symbols, our own forms of connection and community decoupled and divorced from what Empire has made of us.

A Beautiful Resistance: After Empire will be released 15 October, 2020. Pre-order is available now at the product link below. Or hover over the link for more book information.

A Beautiful Resistance 5: After Empire
from $30.00


In addition to the two aforementioned books, Gods&Radicals is excited to announce the publication of Reclaiming Ourselves, by Emma Kathryn, scheduled for release 15 November. More information and pre-order will be available 1 September, 2020.

Book Collections

We will be continuing our very popular book collections through the end of the year. These allow readers to purchase multiple books at a discount by purchasing them together. For more information on the collections, please see this link.


The handling of COVID-19 in the United States has caused significant printing delays at our US printers. Currently, direct orders from our US printers are on a 5-week (22 business day) delay.

Most of our US orders are generally fulfilled by our in-house distributor in Oregon. Because of confinement orders where she is based, we had to rely on our printers for direct fulfillment for many pre-orders from our previous release. This caused significant delays to some readers, for which we are deeply grateful for the patience you’ve shown us and other publishers.

While the distribution situation has stabilized for now, a predicted “second wave” of COVID-19 infections in the US after November will likely cause more disruptions again. Thus, we suggest readers who wish to purchase our books for the winter holidays consider doing so as early as possible. We are making every effort to keep our distribution stable, but there are fewer and fewer certainties in this strange world we find ourselves in.

All shipping and distribution questions can, as always, be emailed to us at


Wild Cooking with Foraged Foods


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