Plant Power

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‘‘The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness’’.     

~ John Muir

‘‘Working with plants will teach you all other social commitments in a soothing way.’’     

~Karthikeyan V

I’m not going to lie, I ummed and ahhed about publishing this piece, a writing about plants. I thought in this time of turmoil, such a topic so seemingly mild as plants might not be the most pressing of issues and so almost didn’t write this. But then I thought again. Plants, whether in the garden or in the wilds soothe the soul and make all the world's ills seem less, if only for the few moments you are immersed in their environment. Sometimes we need to take time away from the front-line, if only to heal, replenish. It’s good for the mind, body and soul. It revitalises and gives us strength to carry on the good fight, and sometimes even aids that fight.

Last year I spoke about Nanny of the Maroons at a conference in London, freedom fighter and obeah woman and one of the ways in which she was able to overthrow her oppressors was her knowledge of plant lore and how best to use them. Plants and the wilds have always been allies to those struggling against injustice! And so here we are, talking about plants. If nothing else, let this piece be a soothing balm for the mind, a well deserved break from the good fight, a bit of a breather. And if you think that plants are too mild for this time, well let me welcome you to my own poison garden where henbane, datura, mugwort and foxglove grow...

I simply adore plants! I always have. There’s something just so calming about them. If you listen carefully, they will whisper to you, hint at what they are. Plants have spirits, and working with plants, nurturing and taking care of them adds so much to your life and not just your spiritual or witchcraft practice. Spirit work aside, plants have so many practical applications not only in witchcraft but also in our everyday lives, that to ignore them would leave your craft only a shadow of what it could be. You don’t have to go all out, just learn the basics, learn to identify what grows where you live and how you can utilise them in your craft.If you do do any wild harvesting, please take care to minimise any damage. Take only what you need from the wild, leaving an offering and by offering, I mean water in the hot summer months or libations poured onto the land and not trinkets or items that serve no purpose and only pollute and litter. Leave enough for the wildlife, for those critters and bugs that rely on the nature around them for food and shelter.

Growing your own plants can be  worthwhile. Working with the life giving earth, watching in awe as the elements combine to create new life really is a great feeling. Growing your own plants also gives a deep appreciation for them, and the more you work with them, the more you will come to recognise their spirit. I think it is a vital step for any witch who wishes to work with the spirit of place.

Herbs and Other Useful Plants

‘‘Any British household with a scrap of land has always grown herbs for the kitchen. From the superb monastic herb gardens down to the humblest cottage, a supply of fresh herbs would have been considered essential.’’

~ Monty Don

Herbs are a must for anyone interested in growing their own plants and have so many household and everyday applications from cooking to medicine to magickal workings. There is a herb for almost anything. Herbs can be grown so easily, you don’t even need a garden as they will flourish in a pot on a warm windowsill. Everyone should have a herb garden, inside or out. Sometimes it seems like people like to show off with fancy and obscure plants, perhaps thinking it makes them edgier but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the classics, the everyday herbs that are familiar to everyone. Herbs such as lavender, rosemary, thyme, mint, basil are extremely potent, and you will find many workings that utilise these plants for good reason. I won’t go into each esoteric correspondence for them here purely because it would require a book in itself! And besides, there are many good herbals out there already, and so much information on the internet.

There are also herbs that grow in the wild and you’ll probably recognise them as weeds. Herbs such as cowslip, mugwort, vervain, cinquefoil, herb Robert, the list goes on. All of these plants are useful. And free! I love nothing more than taking the dogs and going out for long foraging walks. You’ll be surprised at what grows so close to you! Get a good identification guide, one with detailed photographs or drawings and become familiar with leaf shape and colour, flower shape and spray. When harvesting, always take care to leave enough for the plant to flourish and for anything that relies on the plant for food or shelter.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to act with care and respect towards the plants that we use in our crafts. Use sharp scissors or a knife to cut away the part of the plant you need as they do much less damage as opposed to hacking away with blunt ones. When home, bunch the plant stuff together in small bundles and hang to dry in a warm room. If using for teas, then it is okay to use fresh plant matter.

Poisonous Plants

‘‘Touch me. With your finger. Softly. My scent on your neck. Open your lips. Taste.’’

~Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful

I don’t know why, but I just love poisonous plants. There is just something wickedly beautiful about them, and, I think they truly embody what it is to be a witch.

There will be those out there that think I’m strange, or flirting with danger, or perhaps think I just  want the aesthetics of witchcraft, that I love these plants because I want to pretend at something I’m not. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I love the whole folklore and stories of these misaligned plants. They are beautifully enticing, datura, one of my favourites, is a night bloomer and produces beautiful large creamy white trumpet flowers that have the most beautifully seductive scent. Or perhaps Atropa Belladonna with its delicate purple lowers and its darkly tempting fruits. I love how delicate they are, and also how devastatingly potent and destructive they are. For me, they embody the feminine principle, remind me of the strong but beautiful women from whom I am descended. They embody the witch! However, these plants, through ointments and oils can also be beneficial. We’ve all seen the meme, you can’t heal if you can’t harm or something like that and as cliched as it might be, it is also true, for plants such as datura, belladonna, henbane, mugwort, wormwood and many others are powerful medicines and most definitely not for those looking to get high. We must treat our plants and their gifts to us with the utmost of respect.

Flying ointments can be used to enhance ritual. They aid in the crossing of the hedge, in soul flight and astral travel and communing with the spirits. I would strongly advise anyone wishing to use a flying ointment to buy from established practitioners who know what they are doing in terms of dosing.  Always take care to be safe, these plants are no joke! With that said, for those who truly do wish to work with these plants with nothing but love and respect, I would recommend growing them, learning to look after and care for them, though do please take care if you have pets or small children. In time, you may wish to make your own ointments, and that is something you will have to research very carefully, always erring on the side of caution. With that said though, you will need to, at some point, progress on with your craft, and put your money where your mouth is, but be careful!

Like I said at the beginning, plants soothe my soul and remind me of all that is well in the world, all that might be. In these troublesome times where humanity is splintered and we must fight against the ills of the world (and it seems there is always a fight, something that must be destroyed before it destroys us), it’s easy to forget that the real world is waiting, but that too is under threat and we must fight for that as well (and as I’ve already said the freedom fighter and the wilds have always been allies). But first, why not sit a while in the green and let the goodness of plants ease your burden, lighten the load and energise you for the fights still to come, for surely this is the power of plants, to connect us fully, mind, body and soul, to the real.

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My name is Emma Kathryn, my path is a mixture of traditional British witchcraft, Vodou and Obeah, a mixture representing my heritage. I live in the sticks with my family where I read tarot, practice witchcraft and drink copious amounts of coffee.

You can follow Emma on Facebook.


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