Jumping the Gap: Where Green Transphobia Leads

While a genderless society might be the ideal, we don’t live in that society, and until we do, opposing trans rights won’t help us get there. Gender is a social construction, but if we try to eliminate the category of gender outright, then the experience of transgender people living in a cis-normative society is erased.

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Anarchism, Land, Paganism, Polytheism, Rewilding John Halstead Anarchism, Land, Paganism, Polytheism, Rewilding John Halstead

The Original Heresy: Homesickness, Civilization, and Transcendental Religion (part 1)

The original heresy is the belief that the earth is not our home, that our real life is somewhere else—whether in heaven or a future technotopia. We embrace this heresy to make sense of that nagging feeling that something is wrong with the world itself. But the real reason we feel this way is because civilization alienates us from everything that makes us human.

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Uncategorized, Anarchism Christopher Scott Thompson Uncategorized, Anarchism Christopher Scott Thompson

My Anarchist Life

“I began to see a connection between my anarchist mentality – which, for most of my life, was more of an instinct than a philosophy – and my pagan religion. Specifically, I began to understand a pagan and animist worldview as the spiritual core of a future free society capable of living on this planet without destroying all life here.”

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Anarchism, Domestication John Halstead Anarchism, Domestication John Halstead

What Midwives Taught Me About Anarchism (Anarchism for Civilians series)

Though they’re often used synonymously, civilization is not the same thing as culture. Many of the things that are attributed to civilization, such as art and healing, existed before civilization and outside of states. And many of the lauded “improvements” brought by civilization were not really improvements, or else they were improvements which came at a terrible cost.

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