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Becoming Wild: The Tools of ResistancE


Monthly and Permanent Supporters may enroll in this course for free. See this link for details.

We cannot trust those in power to have our best interests at heart, and the last few months have shown us that authorities are downright deadly when the going gets tough and people rise up. As such, we must rely on ourselves for our own protection and to forge the kind of society and world we want to live in.

This three week course, taught by Emma Kathryn, is designed to give participants the basic tools of rebellion and resistance by focusing upon our own resilience outside of the capitalist system. Through video lectures and discussion, we’ll discuss the three cores of resilience:

  • Self-Reliance: through personal and communal work, as well as food security

  • Self-Care: through connection to land, magic, and the body,

  • Defense: through healing and baneful plants, magic, and fighting

General Information

Course Length and Schedule: The course lasts for four weeks, from 28 August 2021 to 24 September, 2021

Time Commitment: Participants will be expected to devote a minimum of two hours each week (8 hours total) to the course. This expectation includes time devoted to reading recommended texts, viewing video lectures, and engaging in conversation with other participants.

Cost: Sliding Scale $40-$70. Pay what you are capable of.

Maximum participants: 25

Course Requirements: Participants need have no prior knowledge of the course subject nor experience in academic settings. Physical requirements include internet access, a computer or smartphone capable of accessing recommended readings and viewing videos, and each participant will need to create a login (free of cost) for Discord.

Course Materials: Each participant will be given access to three video lectures and a digital copy of Reclaiming Ourselves, by the author (enrollment of $50 or above also includes a print edition of the course text). In addition, a guide to using the private Discord server for participant discussions will also be provided.

Venue: Weekly course conversations will occur on a dedicated Discord server, where participants will engage in discussion with each other and the instructor, as well as be able to communicate directly with the instructor. Video links will be posted in the server as well.

Course structure: For the first three weeks a video lecture and optional readings will be posted. Participants will view this lecture and then discuss what was presented. The final week will be a continuation of the discussion as well as an optional live workshop discussion (recorded for participants unable to make the to-be-determined scheduled time).

Cancellation/Refund policy: Full refunds of payment are possible up until the end of the first day of the course.

Other policies: In the very unlikely event that a participant creates a hostile environment for other participants or the instructor, and if attempts to address the behavior do not correct the problem, the instructor reserves the right to end a participant’s participation. The above cancellation/refund policy will apply in such cases.

Enrollment process: To enroll, remit payment by purchasing the course access below.

About Académie Hérétique

Académie Hérétique (Heretic Academy) is a series of online course offerings from Gods&Radicals Press. Académie Hérétique’s focus is on political theory, philosophy, esoteric and occult studies, history, and tactical skills for people with little to no academic background or previous knowledge of the subjects taught. Instructors are committed to accommodating varied learning backgrounds, styles, and abilities as much as possible.

Académie Hérétique courses are priced at the lowest rate possible that still enables us to fairly compensate our instructors for their labor, and subsidies are available for those who cannot afford them.