Folklore Emma Kathryn Folklore Emma Kathryn

The Witches Briar - Folklore of the Dog Rose

Come fellow seeker, enter into the garden wild where mystery and wonder echo that which can be found in the wild landscape, a microcosm of it, if you will. Here the magic shimmers in the air, is held in the blooming flowers and carried in their scent, blowing gently on the breeze or perhaps heard in the singing of the birds and the buzzing of bees.

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Article, Reclaiming Emma Kathryn Article, Reclaiming Emma Kathryn

Reclaiming Ourselves - Food & Medicine: Part 3

I also know what it’s like to struggle to live day to day, and so I’m a believer in making the most of what you have. Exotic plants and ingredients are certainly alluring, but what’s the point of learning to use them if you can’t get hold of them, for whatever reason? It just makes sense to use what you already have or is readily available.

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